You forgot your <sarcasm> tags Marlon. But I see where you're coming from here.

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Marlon Moyer <> wrote:
> I agree with you J, this culture of relative moralism is really pitiful.  I 
> mean, crap, why should the government have any say in what I do to my wife or 
> kids.  I mean, really, if the good book says I can kill my child if they 
> misbehave, well, damn....why should I listen to anyone else about it?  ..and 
> why in the heck can't I sell my daughters any more to be maid servants?  Give 
> me one good reason?
> And what about those fornicators too? Why in the hell haven't we been stoning 
> Petraeus along with all his low moral brethren....especially all those people 
> who are "divorced".  They're the worst!  I guess they didn't get the whole 
> "What God has put together, let no man put asunder" meaning.
> And WTF don't all of our Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom vets all have Iraqi 
> child brides?  We should have slain all the men and all the women who'd had 
> sex and then distributed the female children amongst our troops.  Oh, and we 
> should have killed all the Iraqi male children too!  Can't have them growing 
> up to exact vengeance on us.
> And what about all these rich people worrying about saving their tax money?  
> Don't they realize they ain't getting to heaven if they're rich.
> oh and speaking of rich people.  We need to put to death every one of the NFL 
> players.  They've been flaunting their work on the Sabbath every week by 
> broadcasting on it Television.  The Sabbath is for rest and the Bible 
> commands us to put to death anyone who's dumb enough to work on that day.
> Not only are they working on the Sabbath, but have you seen some of the 
> tattoos on those heathens?  The good book is pretty darn clear about marking 
> up your body and it ain't gonna be pretty when they face Him.
> We've become a society that's too worried about people's rights.  As long as 
> a man has rights, that's all that's needed.  Heck, women aren't even supposed 
> to teach men so why should we be giving them votes or God forbid, a place on 
> the pulpit!  Women are to be in subjection to us so how can they possibly be 
> equals!?  Likewise, children are property and last I checked, property 
> doesn't have rights.
> The biggest tragedy here is that poor boy was obviously being controlled by 
> the devil!  Evil had taken over his body and was doing things to him that his 
> immortal soul would have never done by itself.  I only hope that his last 
> thoughts on this Earth were of repentance and sincere belief in the big man 
> upstairs.  If they were, I'm sure he's in heaven playing with those same 
> little angels he sent there only moments earlier, 'cause God will forgive all 
> our sins no matter how big or small as long as we repent!
> Now, you'll have to excuse me.  I've got to get out to protest in front of 
> the Pappadeaux's restaurant.  I noticed today on their sign that the are 
> having a special on Lobster.  Can you freakin' believe it?  Lobster.  They're 
> just inviting the lightning of God's wrath to rain down on them.  I'm going 
> to protest from across the street, just in case He does.
>> Upon seeing this, I thought about how far morality has fallen in or
>> country.  I wondered if the country could fall any further into
>> depravity.
>> Some pundits keep preaching the demise of the USA.  With the rise of moral
>> relativism, no personal accountability, and the culture of blame, that is
>> prevalent in the US, they may be right.

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