CF 11 is being developed. But frankly if Adobe withdrew CF immediately
what would that change. There are all those installs already out there
and two separate open source projects (Railo and Open Blue Dragon)
that are more than capable. Railo had committed itself to another 10
years of development, and OBD is not going away either.

So I'm not too worried.

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Theresa Temple <> wrote:
> I know it's an older post, but did anyone see this blog entry by John Mason:
> I am rather astonished to see an article like this from a leader in the CF 
> Community.
> It's rather discouraging to read to say the least, but then reading Judith 
> Dinowitz's well written meeting panel notes from the CFML 2012: State of the 
> Platform meeting, I am looking forward to the mid- or late January panel 
> updates, and hoping for the best.
> It was interesting to read the notes of the panel about how PHP was on the 
> rise. I figured it would be more of a combination of CFML, HTML5, CSS and 
> JQuery being on the rise given the recent strong mobile app market growth. I 
> know that "Splendor" promises Streamlined Mobile Application Development and 
> "Thunder" includes End-to-end Mobile Application Development Workflow, but I 
> think those features are overdue. Although I'm not sure exactly what these 
> features entail, I am hopeful there is some sort of CFML to Mobile conversion 
> kit included. A pipe dream, I'm sure, but it should would make a nice 
> addition to CF10 and perhaps make up for the befuddled release.

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