
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org> wrote:
>> I know it's an older post, but did anyone see this blog entry by John Mason:
>> http://www.codfusion.com/blog/post.cfm/coldfusion-10-the-last-edition-from-adobe
>> I am rather astonished to see an article like this from a leader in the CF 
>> Community.
> I'm not sure why there is so much FUD in the ColdFusion community over
> the last year or so.  As others have pointed out Adobe has a roadmap
> for at least two more versions over the next couple of years.  There
> is a push to revitalize user groups.  Railo is thriving and has
> committed to a decade of future development.  There is a HUGE install
> base with applications that will need to be supported for many, many
> years to come.  Yes, there are other technologies that are "sexier"
> than ColdFusion.  Yes, there are situations where ColdFusion isn't the
> best, fastest, or cheapest solution.  Yes, there are a number of
> things Adobe could/should be doing to make adopting ColdFusion
> cheaper/easier/better.  Having said that, ColdFusion still has a long
> and glorious career ahead of it so I'm not at all worried about its
> future.  Even if there were more nails in the coffin than not, I still
> wouldn't be worried.  Why?  Because I'm primarily a WEB developer, not
> a ColdFusion developer.  It's my preferred tool, but if all of CF
> disappeared tomorrow I'd still be able to do my job.  There will still
> be Windows and Linux servers to manage.  There will still be a dozen
> other languages and platforms to work with.  There will still be
> databases to architect.  There will still be businesses that need
> applications developed on top of those platforms.  Am I worried about
> ColdFusion's future?  Not particularly.  Am I worried about web
> development's future?  Not at all.  So please... can we stop all the
> FUD around ColdFusion and its greatly exaggerated demise?
> -Justin

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