No, what you're referring to is the "majority of scientific study" that is
being reported by the mainstream media. There is just as much, if not more,
scientific study to counter it from sources that are going unnoticed
because to bring attention to it would discredit the junk science they are
using to try to prove it.


On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:57 AM, GMoney <> wrote:

> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 12:37 PM, RobG <> wrote:
> >
> > That would be because they would rather try to blame "religion"
> > (specifically, Christianity) so they can accuse those of us who KNOW that
> > man-made global warming doesn't exist, with being stupid or ignorant or
> > whatever fits their agenda at the moment.
> >
> > The whole notion of there being a "consensus" is utter BS. In science,
> > there is no consensus.  There is only fact.
> >
> > The emails from East Anglia a few years ago have gone a long way to
> proving
> > that it's a hoax, among other things.  It's all aimed at getting people
> to
> > allow more and more government control and taxation.  And any attempts to
> > argue this with the believers turns into a hate-filled argument as they
> > call you every name in the book.
> >
> I simply want you to admit that your beliefs go against what the majority
> of scientific study suggests at this time. That's all. Forget consensus or
> any of that. IF you simply take the collective body of knowledge today from
> all of the scientific studies.....the vast majority suggest global climate
> change is real, is substantial, and we are contributing to it's increased
> rate of change.
> I won't call you stupid or have any hate filled arguments. I have no
> ideology and i'm not into religion OR religious bashing. But i am into
> Science. I live and die with it. And so...i don't want you under the
> illusion that your conclusion has much if any scientific support at this
> time. I'm completely fine if you think it's a big conspiracy hatched by
> "Science", capital S.
> I'll gladly cast my lot with science, and if it leads me astray, i won't
> apologize for a thing. It's our BEST possible means of understanding our
> surroundings. If it fails, WE fail.

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