"The 'dissenting' scientists are in a distinct minority."

This has been covered ad nauseam in previous messages threads.  I can see
that you might be inclined to forget these since they always end with this
being shown.

"But you can choose to believe them instead of the majority of science if you

Or, I can take what "they" present and compare it to the cultist and make
an informed decision.  I choose that method.

"I suppose there are people that believe we never landed on the moon, and point
to the one or two 'scientists' who support their point of view."

I have no idea.  I don't follow the false moon landing circles.  However,
if a larger number of scientists, a majority, said it didn't happen, the
landing would warrant some investigation.

"There is no question that man is contributing enormously to the warming of the

You sir, are a true believer.  Cleric first class in the cult of man made
global warming.  I can see you ascending the hierarchy in the priesthood.
 You might get to polish Al Gore's shoes one day.

Oh, and since you say there is no question, please show me proof that
negates any question, of which there are many.



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- Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel,
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