Funny and rude. I say do it.

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:59 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey <>wrote:

> I get emails sent to me by mistake constantly.  My general process is to
> reply back and kindly inform the sender that they've reached the wrong
> person.
> I've gotten everything from grade reports to missed appointment
> notifications to requests for legal advise to plane reservation notices to
> bridge club invitations to properties for sale to baby pictures to... well,
> you get the idea.  Worst of all, I've actually gotten receipts and
> subscription notices where people have entered their own email wrong.
> The one that pissed me off was when someone signed up for an Ashley Madison
> account using my email address.  I knew it wasn't a prank because when I
> called they indicated a credit card was already on file (not one of mine,
> we checked).
> Lately, I'm tempted to start a blog where I post the emails, with any
> personal or sensitive information (such as the pictures one dude emailed to
> me shortly after the Anthony Weiner scandal broke) censored out (black
> boxes).  Then add my own comments... and maybe email the sender with a link
> back to the post.
> Name the site something like, "That Ain't Me" or "Dude, Where's My Email?"
>  Maybe even open it up to other unfortunate souls that are in the same boat
> I'm in.  I'm not kidding when I say I get at least 1 of these a week.
> Before I go through this process, I'm wondering if it'd be something
> worthwhile and if folks would find it funny or rude (read a$$-h01eish)?
> Until Later!
> C. Hatton Humphrey
> Every cloud does have a silver lining.  Sometimes you just have to do some
> smelting to find it.

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