Scary huh
On Jul 14, 2014 7:50 PM, "Jerry Milo Johnson" <> wrote:

> Wow, Tim. We crossed streams on our thoughts on that one.
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson <>
> wrote:
> > If their house is being used to launch or store or build rockets, or is
> > shares a wall with a building that is being used to launch or store or
> > build rockets, is it then reasonable to have them leave before that
> > building is blown up?
> >
> > (I think yes.)
> >
> > There can be legitimate questions on how accurate the information is, and
> > how well vetted, and if it is true at all. (that the Israeli munition
> hit a
> > legitimate target, and that it was the target it was being aimed for).
> That
> > should be looked into. But the very fact that it should be looked into
> > shows that we are holding the Israelis to a different standard than we
> are
> > the Palestinians. How often are we asking if the rockets are being aimed
> at
> > legitimate targets?
> >
> > There can be legitimate questions as to whether the people in those
> houses
> > are supporting or have control over the actions of the Hamas militants
> with
> > the rockets and their placement. If they don't, then leaving the area
> while
> > a war is going on seems like a good idea. And the fact that they are even
> > being warned it helpful (I know I would leave, even if it was to go sit
> in
> > a field by myself, or huddle in a UN school like so many are.) If they
> do,
> > then they are participants, albeit non-combatants.
> >
> > The fact that the war so far has had such limited casualties is frankly
> > amazing. Picture if you will London. Or Paris. Or Dresden. Or Tokyo. Or
> > Srebrenica. Or Sarajevo. Or Basra.
> >
> > The fact that there are kids in Gaza crouching in horror and fear is
> > heartbreaking when I imagine it. I can remember crouching in fear from
> > tornados and hurricanes and once from an escaped murderer from a local
> > mental hospital loose in our neighborhood. I remember those events
> clearly.
> > I try to imagine how much worse these kids are experiencing, and just
> > cannot.
> >
> > It is horrible.
> >
> > But as long as Hamas is the government, and is playing these games with
> > people's lives, I don't see how to end it.
> >
> > ​
> >

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