On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Rick Faircloth <r...@whitestonemedia.com>

> I'm glad you enjoy me throwing your language back in your face, Scott.
> Glad it made you
> think about resorting to such childish behavior.

Actually, it made me think about how much you cannot think on your own.
Something you have shown in other posts.

> Now, more to the point...
> Can you quote me stating that violence is the best option when one's
> life is not in danger?

I do not recall stating that you did, only that it is something we have
tried to instill in our children. If you misinterpreted that, I apologize.

> Can you quote me stating that he she be exonerated because of her
> aggression?

When you said 'she was looking for trouble', that was the implication.

> Can you quote me stating that is perfectly ok for a 200+lb professional
> athlete to punch
> a much smaller woman in the face?

When you said 'she was looking for trouble', that was the implication.

> And finally, would you advice your sons to allow a woman who began to
> beat them with
> a baseball bat not to hit the woman if that was the only way to prevent
> their death?

(And this is not to be conflated with the Ray Rice situation...)

Other than to get me to admit that it is OK to hit a woman, this has no
bearing on the discussion at hand.

Ray Rice's life was not in danger. She did not have a baseball bat, or any
kind of weapon. He is much bigger and stronger than she is. He needed to
show restraint. He did not. Now he is paying the price for his actions. He
is lucky that jail time is not likely to com into play.

> On 9/9/2014 1:37 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
> > I think it's cute that you think it is effective to simply echo the last
> of
> > my insults - multiple times.
> >
> > I do not have any daughters...and it is because of men with attitudes
> like
> > yours that I grateful I do not. I could not imagine having to watch them
> > deal with people like you on a regular basis.
> >
> > However, I do have 2 sons and I have taught them to respect others, and,
> > unless someone's life is in danger, violence is rarely (if ever)  the
> best
> > option. Oh, yea, and, don't hit women.
> >
> > By saying 'she was looking for trouble' you are blaming her and
> exonerating
> > him. You are saying his response was justified. You are saying that it is
> > perfectly OK for a 200+lb professional athlete to punch a much smaller
> > woman in the face. You are part of the problem that women in this country
> > have to face every day of their lives.
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Rick Faircloth <r...@whitestonemedia.com
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I see you're expanding your vocabulary, you misogynistic douche bag
> >> asshole.
> >>
> >> Train your daughters, if you have any, to treat men any way they feel
> >> like it,
> >> and see how much trouble it brings them.
> >>
> >> Most men, like myself, would simply control them physically to stop
> their
> >> assault, but some men, like Ray, might resort to more violent means.
> >>
> >> I can hear your advice, now, you misogynistic douche bag asshole,
> >> "Honey, you can
> >> kick, spit on, curse, slap, or hit a man if you want to and he is not
> >> allowed to
> >> hit you back. If he does, he is totally at fault for what happens to
> >> you. You
> >> are completely innocent."
> >>
> >> Give that advice to your daughter, you misogynistic douche bag asshole,
> >> and she
> >> may end up seriously injured or dead by following your advice.
> >>
> >> You are the one who, in the end, are the true misogynistic douche bag
> >> asshole, by
> >> teaching your daughter to live in your fantasy utopia, rather than the
> real
> >> world where violence exists.
> >>
> >> The answer to this problem can be found in the Bible (you've heard of
> >> that, haven't you?),
> >> in Ephesians 5:33: "Each one of you must love his wife...and the wife
> >> must respect
> >> her husband." When that happens from both sides, there is peace. What
> >> the husband
> >> fails to love (care for) his wife, or the wife fails to respect her
> >> husband, the bond is
> >> broken and trouble brews.
> >>
> >> Scott, you "misogynistic douche bag asshole"...
> >>
> >>
> >> On 9/9/2014 1:11 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
> >>> Whenever I need to deal with misogynistic douche bags like you, I am
> >>> thankful that I do not have any daughters who would have to deal with
> >>> bullshit like yours their entire lives.
> >>>
> >>> Nothing she did to him warranted being punched in the face.
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Rick Faircloth <
> r...@whitestonemedia.com
> >>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Quote the line I wrote stating that the assaults were comparable, you
> >>>> asshole.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 9/9/2014 1:02 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
> >>>>> She got knocked unconscious and you think the assaults are
> comparable?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You are truly a disgusting human being.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Rick Faircloth <
> >> \
> >>
> >>
> >

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