Let's hope the first blow you need to determine your attacker's ability 
to kill you
is not the only one he needs to put you down. Not everyone has the 
benefit of
10 years of martial arts training and competition. But even so, you 
would know
better than most, that the first blow might be the last.

And sorry for not catching "All your money", insinuating robbery. At 
that point,
if I had a sidearm and he was showing no weapon, I would back away quickly,
drawn my weapon and train it on him and ask him to repeat himself. If he 
to flee I would pursue, not shoot, to hopefully keep him in sight until 
police arrive
to apprehend.  However, if he decided to lunge at me and physically 
attack me,
he would be shot.

He was asking for me to respond to his assault, so I would oblige. My 
choice of
response is up to me. I don't have to remain on equal terms with my 

On 9/9/2014 3:00 PM, Scott Stewart wrote:
> How will I determine smaller,  weaker? When that person slaps me in the
> face and it stings a little and I don't go down. Sifu Bruce Lee may have
> been smaller but he was in no way weaker all you had to do is look at him.
> I have over ten years of martial arts training and competition under my
> belt. I have been attacked and my fight or flight response is tempered with
> control and rational thought. I would be able to judge my response
> appropriately.
> Both times that I have been attacked have been reported to the police and
> in each case the attacker came out worse,  broken sternum and broken nose
> respectively,  and I was not charged because my response was judge to be
> appropriate.
> There are laws against self defense when the response is inappropriate.
> I never said that you said his response was appropriate, you seem to be
> dead set on making this about you. The law will say that Rice' response was
> not appropriate to the situation.
> You also convieniantly reinterpreted what I said about being approached,
> my scenario was being approached by someone saying give me All your money,
> insinuating a robbery.
> Would you shoot that unarmed attacker.
> On Sep 9, 2014 1:54 PM, "Rick Faircloth" <r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:
>> Can you quote me, Scott, stating that Rice's response was appropriate?
>> And, you're wrong about assault by a "smaller, weaker" person. Bruce Lee
>> weighed
>> on 135 lbs, smaller than almost anyone beyond the 8th grade today. But
>> he could
>> easily kill anyone on the plant.  How are you going to make that
>> judgement in a
>> split-second, that the person attacking you can't hurt you? You have
>> obviously
>> never been attacked. Your survival instinct kicks in and you fight by
>> any means at
>> your disposal to survive. (And this has nothing to do with Ray Rice, it
>> has to do with
>> your "weaker, smaller" PERSON scenario.)  And no, there is no law in any
>> state against
>> self-defense.
>> And no, if a person asks me for money, I wouldn't just shoot him. (I
>> usually give them
>> some money...) But if I said no and that person began to beat me and I
>> couldn't get
>> him to stop, I would draw my weapon and put him down. He made the choice to
>> get shot.
>> On 9/9/2014 1:42 PM, Scott Stewart wrote:
>>> So your saying that a man shouldn't show restraint if he is kicked,  spit
>>> on,  cursed at etc.?
>>> There's that issue of equivalent response again...  Let me break it down
>>> for you...  If someone physically smaller and weaker than me slaps me
>> and I
>>> knock them out either by fist or foot,  that is not an equivalent
>>> response,  I will be charged and convicted of asault,  no amount of
>> claims
>>> of self defense will hold up.  If I restrain that person through joint
>>> barring or joint lock,  or simply walk away I'm in the clear.  It's
>> pretty
>>> much the same in all fifty States.  To take it a step further...  An
>>> unarmed man approaches you on the street and says give me your money,
>> and
>>> you shoot him dead,  you're probably going to prison. Why?  Because he
>> was
>>> unarmed and you didn't have to kill him to get out of the situation.
>>> Regardless of what she did,  Ray Rice' response wasn't appropriate to the
>>> situation.  He could have blocked her slaps,  restrained her,  or simply
>>> gotten off the elevator.  He chose to knock her out.. Case closed.
>>>    On Sep 9, 2014 1:27 PM, "Rick Faircloth" <r...@whitestonemedia.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> I see you're expanding your vocabulary, you misogynistic douche bag
>>>> asshole.
>>>> Train your daughters, if you have any, to treat men any way they feel
>>>> like it,
>>>> and see how much trouble it brings them.
>>>> Most men, like myself, would simply control them physically to stop
>> their
>>>> assault, but some men, like Ray, might resort to more violent means.
>>>> I can hear your advice, now, you misogynistic douche bag asshole,
>>>> "Honey, you can
>>>> kick, spit on, curse, slap, or hit a man if you want to and he is not
>>>> allowed to
>>>> hit you back. If he does, he is totally at fault for what happens to
>>>> you. You
>>>> are completely innocent."
>>>> Give that advice to your daughter, you misogynistic douche bag asshole,
>>>> and she
>>>> may end up seriously injured or dead by following your advice.
>>>> You are the one who, in the end, are the true misogynistic douche bag
>>>> asshole, by
>>>> teaching your daughter to live in your fantasy utopia, rather than the
>> real
>>>> world where violence exists.
>>>> The answer to this problem can be found in the Bible (you've heard of
>>>> that, haven't you?),
>>>> in Ephesians 5:33: "Each one of you must love his wife...and the wife
>>>> must respect
>>>> her husband." When that happens from both sides, there is peace. What
>>>> the husband
>>>> fails to love (care for) his wife, or the wife fails to respect her
>>>> husband, the bond is
>>>> broken and trouble brews.
>>>> Scott, you "misogynistic douche bag asshole"...
>>>> On 9/9/2014 1:11 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>>>>> Whenever I need to deal with misogynistic douche bags like you, I am
>>>>> thankful that I do not have any daughters who would have to deal with
>>>>> bullshit like yours their entire lives.
>>>>> Nothing she did to him warranted being punched in the face.
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Rick Faircloth <
>> r...@whitestonemedia.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Quote the line I wrote stating that the assaults were comparable, you
>>>>>> asshole.
>>>>>> On 9/9/2014 1:02 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>>>>>>> She got knocked unconscious and you think the assaults are
>> comparable?
>>>>>>> You are truly a disgusting human being.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Rick Faircloth <
>>>> \

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