And how are you going to determine whether or not your aggressor knows 
martial arts
or not before you make you decision to defend yourself? Or perhaps your 
has a knife you have not seen and is about to stick it straight into 
your gut.

Are you going to pass out a questionnaire before you respond.

I'll shoot first and ask questions later. I choose not to take the 
chance that my
children and grandchildren will be left without a father or grandfather 
before risking
my life before responding to someone who might be trying to kill me.

I hope you get to live in your fantasy world for a long time, Scott. 
Because if you're
ever confronted by the real world, you won't survive for long.

On 9/9/2014 1:57 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
> have gone off the deep end.
> Bruce Lee may have been short, but he was far from 'weak' - I think
> knowledge if the martial arts would be considered ';strength' regardless of
> your size.
> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:54 PM, Rick Faircloth <>
> wrote:
>> Can you quote me, Scott, stating that Rice's response was appropriate?
>> And, you're wrong about assault by a "smaller, weaker" person. Bruce Lee
>> weighed
>> on 135 lbs, smaller than almost anyone beyond the 8th grade today. But
>> he could
>> easily kill anyone on the plant.  How are you going to make that
>> judgement in a
>> split-second, that the person attacking you can't hurt you? You have
>> obviously
>> never been attacked. Your survival instinct kicks in and you fight by
>> any means at
>> your disposal to survive. (And this has nothing to do with Ray Rice, it
>> has to do with
>> your "weaker, smaller" PERSON scenario.)  And no, there is no law in any
>> state against
>> self-defense.
>> And no, if a person asks me for money, I wouldn't just shoot him. (I
>> usually give them
>> some money...) But if I said no and that person began to beat me and I
>> couldn't get
>> him to stop, I would draw my weapon and put him down. He made the choice to
>> get shot.
>> On 9/9/2014 1:42 PM, Scott Stewart wrote:
>>> So your saying that a man shouldn't show restraint if he is kicked,  spit
>>> on,  cursed at etc.?
>>> There's that issue of equivalent response again...  Let me break it down
>>> for you...  If someone physically smaller and weaker than me slaps me
>> and I
>>> knock them out either by fist or foot,  that is not an equivalent
>>> response,  I will be charged and convicted of asault,  no amount of
>> claims
>>> of self defense will hold up.  If I restrain that person through joint
>>> barring or joint lock,  or simply walk away I'm in the clear.  It's
>> pretty
>>> much the same in all fifty States.  To take it a step further...  An
>>> unarmed man approaches you on the street and says give me your money,
>> and
>>> you shoot him dead,  you're probably going to prison. Why?  Because he
>> was
>>> unarmed and you didn't have to kill him to get out of the situation.
>>> Regardless of what she did,  Ray Rice' response wasn't appropriate to the
>>> situation.  He could have blocked her slaps,  restrained her,  or simply
>>> gotten off the elevator.  He chose to knock her out.. Case closed.
>>>    On Sep 9, 2014 1:27 PM, "Rick Faircloth" <>
>> wrote:
>>>> I see you're expanding your vocabulary, you misogynistic douche bag
>>>> asshole.
>>>> Train your daughters, if you have any, to treat men any way they feel
>>>> like it,
>>>> and see how much trouble it brings them.
>>>> Most men, like myself, would simply control them physically to stop
>> their
>>>> assault, but some men, like Ray, might resort to more violent means.
>>>> I can hear your advice, now, you misogynistic douche bag asshole,
>>>> "Honey, you can
>>>> kick, spit on, curse, slap, or hit a man if you want to and he is not
>>>> allowed to
>>>> hit you back. If he does, he is totally at fault for what happens to
>>>> you. You
>>>> are completely innocent."
>>>> Give that advice to your daughter, you misogynistic douche bag asshole,
>>>> and she
>>>> may end up seriously injured or dead by following your advice.
>>>> You are the one who, in the end, are the true misogynistic douche bag
>>>> asshole, by
>>>> teaching your daughter to live in your fantasy utopia, rather than the
>> real
>>>> world where violence exists.
>>>> The answer to this problem can be found in the Bible (you've heard of
>>>> that, haven't you?),
>>>> in Ephesians 5:33: "Each one of you must love his wife...and the wife
>>>> must respect
>>>> her husband." When that happens from both sides, there is peace. What
>>>> the husband
>>>> fails to love (care for) his wife, or the wife fails to respect her
>>>> husband, the bond is
>>>> broken and trouble brews.
>>>> Scott, you "misogynistic douche bag asshole"...
>>>> On 9/9/2014 1:11 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>>>>> Whenever I need to deal with misogynistic douche bags like you, I am
>>>>> thankful that I do not have any daughters who would have to deal with
>>>>> bullshit like yours their entire lives.
>>>>> Nothing she did to him warranted being punched in the face.
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Rick Faircloth <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Quote the line I wrote stating that the assaults were comparable, you
>>>>>> asshole.
>>>>>> On 9/9/2014 1:02 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>>>>>>> She got knocked unconscious and you think the assaults are
>> comparable?
>>>>>>> You are truly a disgusting human being.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Rick Faircloth <
>>>> \

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