Couple of questions (and these are serious questions)...

Is a 64-bit processor on a phone a good thing? It has historically been the
case that 64-bit architectures were less efficient than 32-bit
architectures unless you were running applications that needed more memory
than a 32-bit architecture would allow. Phones are designed for smaller,
short running processes. It seems to me that making it 64-bit is just going
to end up being a waste of memory utilization because you need to allocate
twice the memory for every operation.

Is ApplePay substantially different than Google Wallet? I have been able to
use Google Wallet with my phone at my grocery store for some time. Is Apple
doing something very different or is it just an Apple version?

Is the stopping of a task in one spot and picking it up in the other any
different from what Google has been doing? I can start composing an email
on my (Android) phone and pick it up on my (Mac) laptop without a problem.
Same thing with documents. What is Apple doing differently?

Better autofocus is cool. Not sure if it would make much difference for me,
but that sounds cool. Fingerprint scanners are also not my thing but glad
they are improving the tech.

The bulk of what I've seen seems to be bringing feature parity to people
invested in the Apple ecosystem who just really like the way that that
stuff works for them. That's totally cool and what Apple should be doing. I
just don't understand why it is being seen as super important or
revolutionary or whatever but maybe I'm missing the details.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 4:40 AM, Vivec <> wrote:

> For those of you wondering, here's what the iPhone 6 does better than any
> other phone out there on the market:
> The 64 bit A8 Processor is better and faster than anything else on the
> market.
> The fingerprint scanner is the best performing scanner on the market, and
> it is absolutely better than Samsung's S5 implementation
> The camera has an autofocus system usually reserved for DSLRs.
> Hand off of tasks between Apple devices is great, and a productivity
> booster for many. Pick up writing an email, an SMS, or sharing documents
> immediately between devices. (moving from your desktop to your iPad in your
> bedroom, for example, would be seamless)
> ApplePay is a tremendous innovation, with the ability to radically change
> the way we use Credit Cards
> So these aren't necessarily revolutionary changes, but neither has anything
> the competition has done been revolutionary.
> However, once again, Apple takes its incremental improvements and
> implements them correctly and with a marketing flair that appeals to its
> customer base. Which is why the iPhone launch always boast the best sell
> throughs of any mobile device.

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