I went to a public school one of the best in Maryland and it was great, i am
so glad i got to goto a public school. :)

I also had the joy of going to a city school for awhile too which was a
little different environment but still the learning was their if you needed
it. And i think Judith poor is defined as less then 12k a year. So if you're
legally poor, and you have 2 kids that means 100% of your income goes to

Bill Wheatley
Senior Database Developer
Macromedia Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer
954.360.9022 X159
ICQ 417645
----- Original Message -----
From: "Judith Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: Bow to me. Bow to each other. At the ready ...

> Larry, I am a product of the private school system and I have no
> -- My kids go to private schools and so far I am very happy.
> And we're not rich. But I pay between $4,000 and $6,000 a child for their
> education. Even if I was poor I would have to find a way to send my kids
> private school, or I'd have to home school them. For a religious Jew,
> really is no choice.
> Judith
> >Must be nice to be rich Jon. Vouchers are just a back handed way to
> >subsidize religious schools whose educational quality, with a few
> >exceptions, are not all that great.
> >
> >Private schools do not have to take in all children. Public schools do.
> >Right now if a child is in need of special ed, there are very few private
> >schools that are willing to accept that kid. So much for a choice.
> >
> >If private schools want government funding then they should have to
> >under the same rules. Otherwise no money should be going to support
> >schools.
> >
> >larry
> >
> >--
> >Larry C. Lyons
> >ColdFusion/Web Developer
> >Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
> >EBStor.com
> >8870 Rixlew Lane, Suite 204
> >Manassas, Virginia 20109-3795
> >tel:   (703) 393-7930
> >fax:   (703) 393-2659
> >Web:   http://www.ebstor.com
> >Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.
> >--
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