1. They are not citizens of the United States therefore they have no rights
under US law.

2. They are not prisoners of war as there was no declared war at the time of
hostilities, or now.

3.  They are primarily not Afghan citizens. So they have no basis in saying
we are wronging the Afghan people.

4. The Taliban was only one government of Afghanistan, and was not actually
the recognized government at the time of hostilities.  The Northern Alliance
was the recognized government and they invited us in and allowed us to take
the foreign fighters out of their country.  They didn't want them.

Ok to get back to the Lindh case for a minute.

1. He is a US citizen, who was working against our nation.  Personally I
think he should have been tried for treason.  He wasn't, he was however
charged with crimes against American citizens.  The same way that various
bombers terrorists and world leaders have been in the past.

This discussion has gone to some many different points that it's not funny.

I think the question should be:

Does the US have the right to charge an American citizen of crimes committed
in a different country?

I would say yes.  Within limits.  Something like if it's against another
American(s).  In this case he was fighting against us.

In your country you said they don't have treason, you just instantly loose
your citizenship.   Guess what?  In most cases that means under the Geneva
convention you can be treated as a spy or saboteur (since you usually won't
be in a UNIFORMED service, and Lindh was not in uniform)  and you can
summarily execute those people without a trial.

So lets look at the horrible conditions of the detainees in Cuba.  They are
fed and clothed, and they have medical care provided to them.  They are not
returned tot heir home countries where the treatment would be horrific.

Since there was no uniformed service in Afghanistan at that time are you
aware that we could, under international law, line them all up and shoot
them.  That would be legal.

I have always thought it's funny that when people want to criticize the US
they forget all the good we do.  They forget there would be no Europe as it
is now without us.  I read a letter a while back from a Canadian thanking us
for all of our help.  I wish more people would remember the things we do.
Guess what Jochem, when there's a natural disaster in your country it's not
going to be Afghans and Palestinians who send money and relief workers to
aid you.  When (not if) there is another war in Europe, it's not going to be
the Red Chinese or some third world south American country that goes out of
it's way to advance liberty and equality.

Bro, I just see you as having a bit of a twisted world view.  Are we
perfect, not by a long shot.  We have lots to improve on.  But we are the
best thing going so far.

Tim Heald
Schoollink, Inc.
910.223.2116 x 122

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:47 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Lindh pleads guilty, won't receive life in prison
> Bill Wheatley wrote:
> > Theres something called preventive detention for if you THINK someone is
> > going to commit a crime
> And naturally there are rules for that. Rules that say how long you can
> be detained, after how long you have to be formally charged, by whom to
> complain if you disagree.
> Apparently some 564 people arrested in Afgahanistan from 38 countries
> are held on Guantánamo Bay without having been charged according to US
> law or having been treated according to the Geneva Convention.
> Add some 75 people that were arrested in the US, most for visa offences,
> and that are still locked up, for longer as 90 days now. None of them
> have a lawyer.
> What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
> Jochem
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