The Senator from Disney, Fritz Holling's is a Democrat. He is one of
the most senior Democrats and receives a ton of funding from the RIAA
and the MPAA. He alone got $300,000 from them in his last election.,2933,47296,00.html

The article also mentions that during 2000, the Democrats received
24.2 million as opposed to 13.3 million for the Republicans from the
entertainment industry. I don't think this is really a party issue
though, everyone knows the entertainment industry has always tilted
Democratic for reasons other than the MPAA and RIAA.
Rick Boucher (D) is probably the biggest advocate for online radio
around, and has been trying to fight the CARP fees that have taken the
majority of the online radio stations off the air (wire? :)) already.
He also has been fighting the DMCA at every turn.


Thursday, August 22, 2002, 8:51:13 AM, you wrote:

LL> Also does anyone know where I can find out how much organizations contribute
LL> to each major political party? I saw a mention that the RIAA contributes
LL> several hundreds of thousands to the republicans and republican party causes
LL> each year, and considerably less to the democratic party. Just want to
LL> confirm that.

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