Couple of thoughts:

1. For any development, set a realistic estimate and delivery date.  Try 
to do this before you actually start working on it.  It's guestimating 
but it'll help big time.
2. If you've got tons of people asking for stuff it might be time to ask 
for help.  Perhaps you might need another developer there to handle some 
of hte load
3. If people want things fast, explain that there will be more time 
spent making requested changes than if you had a solid list of requests 
to work from.
4. Set your standards and set your goals realistically.  If someone 
wants something and you don't think you can get it done in that amount 
of time, tell them.

All of these take time, but they'll help!


Candace Cottrell wrote:

>Time... ahhh... how can we find it without working ourselves into a
>Do you all ever having 50 people breathing down your neck wanting their
>issue taken care of... THEIR application built by x date, THEIR
>I'm the alpha and the omega here regarding anything pertaining to the
>Do you all ever find it hard to  build apps the "right" way versus the
>"fast" way?
>I'm on the brink of a temper tantrum. I know I should be doing things a
>certain way, but I cant tell that to the "guys upstairs" who want their
>stuff done yesterday.
>Am I overreaacting?
>Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer 
>The Children's Medical Center 
>One Children's Plaza 
>Dayton, OH 45404 
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