I'm not sure you know what you are talking about. The US has no intent
to level this country. If that were the plan, then I would be 100%
against any war with Iraq.

But there is clear evidence that Iraq has violated UN sanctions.
Something should be done. US War talk has gotten Iraq back to the
negotiation table.

Do you think they just all agreed to allow inspectors in, don't you
think it was the fear of the actual people in power being the targets?

Yes oil is part of the reason to go into Iraq. But don't forget,
regardless of what the US Government says. There is a evil son of a
bitch in charge of Iraq, who has invaded neighbors, killed his own
people, and kept the UN from doing its job.

Let's compare that to the way we would deal with a similar criminal: A
person, who used force to enter another person's home, kills them and
takes their money, then shot and killed the cops when they tried to
capture him.

If we had access to him, he would be tried, and if convicted and get
either life in prison or the death penalty.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pat O [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 2:17 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: France?
> dancing in the streets ? there wont be any streets to dance on, most
> likely you will see millions of people heading towards Turkey and
> the ones that dont get buried in there own houses and
buildings....this is
> no Afganistan, the US will send Iraq back to the stone age, afganistan
> there already.....
> Most likely the US will leave Sadam in power again, once it captures
> the oil fields...this is all about OIL......... but so be it, if its
> to send Iraq and its people to destruction all be better for
> If this is going to give Israel more control and power in the region,
> the expense of the Iraqi people, so be it...

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