Well, to be fair about this, it is not someone at the level of Pope calling for the 

It is more on the level of Cardinal (can you say pedophilia coverup, Cardinal?) or 
local church leader.

And more akin in my mind to the Church of the World Creator, and the Reverend George 
Loeb (who personally murdered a black Gulf War veteran, Harold Mansfield Jr., in 
Neptune Beach, Florida.)

Hot potato back to you.

Jerry Johnson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/26/02 01:44PM >>>
  Okay, but is it justice? Do we blame CNN for the LA riots following their
reporting of the cop verdicts in the Rodney King trial?


  I would like to lob a grenade in here. It seems that a lot of people tend
to get upset about the role the Pope and the Catholic Church played in the
Crusades. I don't know about you, but not once during my lifetime has the
Pope ever issued a fatwa. Yet, Islam allows?/condones?/tolerates? a
religious leader calling for the assasination of someone he doesn't care

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:13 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: miss world


Let me see if I get this. A _reporter_ makes a comment about the
pageant. This reporter is not associated with the pageant. The local
folks get violent, because, as we all know, if someone offends your
religion you have every right to go out and kill hundreds of folks. Yet
somehow this is the pageant's fault? I'm not a big support of pageants
but this seems rather stupid (although you have to wonder what they were
thinking going to a country that is obviously full of wackos - and sorry
if that offends - but if they are going to _riot_ over a comment like
this - they need something better to do).


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