The short answer is no...unless they feel like breaking the ( at least
in the US) law for you, or you run the card's on your terminal in the
shop, which also violates the credit card companies rules, but some
small places do it.
Either way, 1 or 2% is below what anyone will charge you per
transaction. A little below 3% can be had, but you would have to look
around. I can say that we have been selling merchant account to small
and large companies for their web sites for a few years and I have
never seen an interest rate anywhere near 2 percent, no matter how
established they are.

I would think there has to be banks in Trinidad that issue merchant
accounts though, or maybe go for one of those alternative payment
methods. Western Union and Paypal come to mind.


Thursday, November 28, 2002, 11:33:28 AM, you wrote:

AS> Hey all,

AS> I'm looking to start up a website called that will
AS> cater to the electronic entertainment community in Trinidad. 
AS> That is, consoles, games etc. 

AS> This one will be a store, selling stuff like game consoles, LCD Screens,
AS> Speaker systems, Televisions etc. that are difficult to find at retail
AS> locally.

AS> But I was wondering, if I accept payment over the I really need
AS> a merchant account? Are there companies that would front a Merchant
AS> Account for me and take a 1% or 2% of the transaction or something like
AS> that so I can have real time credit card processing without having to go
AS> through a US bank?

AS> -Gel

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