Jerry, who supplied him with the means to attack? We were pushing weapons to Sadaam like crazy not even 20 years ago. Must be convenient for the defense industry to sell a bunch of shit, and then 20 years later have to sell a bunch more to combat who they sold to in the first place. That doesn't seem at all backwards?
> -----Original Message----- > From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 10:33 AM > To: CF-Community > Subject: RE: Hello? > > > Does no one remember the invasion of Kuwait? Iraq getting the > sh*t kicked out of them? > > We are not just singling out Iraq because they are trying to > acquire WMD. > > Iraq invaded Kuwait and started a war. > The whole world decided to stop them. Iraq was driven from Kuwait. > After looting and burning and many, many war crimes, Iraq > surrendered, asking the world to stop the war. > The world felt that Iraq would be a threat to its neighbors > as long as it had the means to attack. > In exchange for stopping the war, Iraq agreed to honor > certain terms and conditions. > Among the things they agreed to were to get rid of all > existing WMD and to stop trying to acquire them. They agreed > to let UN weapons inspectors into Iraq to verify that they > were complying with these agreements. > In an effort to force Iraq into compliance, the UN also > forbid Iraq from buying things that could be used to re-arm. > So they enforced the "oil-for-food" program, to make sure > Iraq could get the things it needed, but not buy nasty things. > > It is not the US beating up on Iraq because it wants to > (well, not the ONLY reason). > > It is the international community holding Iraq to the > commitments it made at the end of the Gulf War. > > Why does no one remember that? > > Jerry Johnson > > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/02 10:17AM >>> > Well I know I have sat back and watched the list and only > jumped in a few times, so now is the time. > > In regards to IRAQ (dunking under the desk as the flames begin). > In someways I say Attack but in some I do not. > > As a former military serviceman whom served in Desert Storm as well > as Desert Strike, we did that for political means. > > This one, we would do more towards protecting the US against Nuclear > and Biological Warfare with Iraq. But in this means, does that mean > we should attack all countries who possess such means? > > I just see the US becoming 'World Police' and assisting everytime a > country comes calling. > > What is everyones views on it? > > > > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/02 10:07AM >>> > I think everyone in on their holidays. > > Still here :0) > > Ok, lets do some trolling. What's in the news these days, umm Trent > Lott, should he be removed? > > Should the US invade Iraq? > > Anyone have other good topics? Slow Friday before the holiday. > > Tim > > -----Original Message----- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 10:04 AM > To: CF-Community > Subject: Hello? > > > This list dead? > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: Subscription: Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in ColdFusion and related topics. Unsubscribe: