Naw, that's called capitalism. And a market driven economy.

But (a little more seriously) the US seems to have had a policy of keeping each region 
roughly balanced following the concept of MAD (mutually assured destruction). It 
worked so good for the US and the USSR we figured to pass it around.

We would sell weapons to our "favorites", but not enough to let them win hands down. 
Just enough to win if push ever really came to shove.

And we would sell to people we didn't like very much, if it kept the balance.

Of course the defense industry would sell to anyone they could, regardless of 
anything, but have been somewhat held in check by the above overarching concept by the 

Do I think it is right? No. 
Do I think it is smart? No.
Do I think it will come back to bite us in the @ss? Yes.
Do I think we should leave Iraq alone because they are just doing what everyone else 
is trying to do? No. They need to pay the piper, and follow through on their 
commitments. And we should make them, because we can.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/02 11:58AM >>>
Jerry, who supplied him with the means to attack? We were pushing weapons to
Sadaam like crazy not even 20 years ago. Must be convenient for the defense
industry to sell a bunch of shit, and then 20 years later have to sell a
bunch more to combat who they sold to in the first place. That doesn't seem
at all backwards?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 10:33 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Hello?
> Does no one remember the invasion of Kuwait? Iraq getting the 
> sh*t kicked out of them?
> We are not just singling out Iraq because they are trying to 
> acquire WMD.
> Iraq invaded Kuwait and started a war.
> The whole world decided to stop them. Iraq was driven from Kuwait. 
> After looting and burning and many, many war crimes, Iraq 
> surrendered, asking the world to stop the war.
> The world felt that Iraq would be a threat to its neighbors 
> as long as it had the means to attack.
> In exchange for stopping the war, Iraq agreed to honor 
> certain terms and conditions.
> Among the things they agreed to were to get rid of all 
> existing WMD and to stop trying to acquire them. They agreed 
> to let UN weapons inspectors into Iraq to verify that they 
> were complying with these agreements.
> In an effort to force Iraq into compliance, the UN also 
> forbid Iraq from buying things that could be used to re-arm. 
> So they enforced the "oil-for-food" program, to make sure 
> Iraq could get the things it needed, but not buy nasty things.
> It is not the US beating up on Iraq because it wants to 
> (well, not the ONLY reason).
> It is the international community holding Iraq to the 
> commitments it made at the end of the Gulf War.
> Why does no one remember that?
> Jerry Johnson
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/02 10:17AM >>>
> Well I know I have sat back and watched the list and only
> jumped in a few times, so now is the time.
> In regards to IRAQ (dunking under the desk as the flames begin).
> In someways I say Attack but in some I do not.
> As a former military serviceman whom served in Desert Storm as well
> as Desert Strike, we did that for political means.
> This one, we would do more towards protecting the US against Nuclear
> and Biological Warfare with Iraq. But in this means, does that mean
> we should attack all countries who possess such means?
> I just see the US becoming 'World Police' and assisting everytime a 
> country comes calling.
> What is everyones views on it?
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/02 10:07AM >>>
> I think everyone in on their holidays.
> Still here :0)
> Ok, lets do some trolling.  What's in the news these days, umm Trent
> Lott, should he be removed?
> Should the US invade Iraq?
> Anyone have other good topics? Slow Friday before the holiday.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 10:04 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Hello?
> This list dead?

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