DVD online rental club ?  Available to UK too ??

I've seen some but only US can apply


-----Original Message-----
From: Erika L. Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 January 2003 09:53
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Anyone for quality TV programming?

I'm all for that!! And in the right packaging, shipping a CD over here
to England actually doesn't cost much and only takes a 3-4 days! (And
we'd be willing to cover the postage.)

Although, we do belong to a DVD online rental club, where you take out
DVD's, keep them as long as you wish and return them when done.

Does Andrew Lloyd Webber's work qualify? We also have the BBC production
of "Walking with the Dinosaurs". Excellent series if you're interested
in dinosaurs and their history.


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