While I agree with Sun's winning the 20 million dollar lawsuit a while
back, I think this is just stupid. They shouldn't be forced to include
Java, and there should be a time limit involved if they are.

I may be reading the situation wrong, but it's seems kind of like a
double jeopardy situation. Sun already won a seperate lawsuit against
Microsoft, and now Microsoft is being penalized for the same thing in
as part of the antitrust case. In the previous case, Microsoft is not
allowed to distribute Java after 2008 (maybe earlier?) iirc, without
renegotiating a new licensing agreement with Sun. Now the court is
saying that Microsoft has to include Java.

This is setting up a sweet little niche for Sun, one that they don't
deserve imo. At least under Windows it is faster, and easier to
program an application using .Net than Java.


Thursday, January 16, 2003, 1:16:51 PM, you wrote:
CA> whaaaaa... I'm Sun Microsystems.

CA> whaaaa..... don't put that software in your operating system.

CA> whaaa... I think I'll sue you for putting that in there.

CA> whaaa.... why did you take that software out of your operating system.

CA> whaaaa.... now we're screwed.

CA> whaaaa... I think I'll sue you for not putting it in your operating system.

CA> whaaaa.... we won.

CA> whaaaaa... we're pathetic.

CA> whaaa.... where's my ba ba. whaaaa.

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