DOH, at 17 you were a tiny twig of a BOY
you have now bloomed into a man.
with such, comes muscle mass and weight.
You look much better now than then.

----- Original Message -----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Wheatley)
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 6:37 am
Subject: Re: Solidarity

> Cut out sodas i no longer drink soda and i got my core stable 
> weight to like
> 200-205 i want to get back to 36 inch waist and 180. Hay 
> considering i used
> to be a twig i am a big pig now lol
> Old me 17 young flegling CF developer in 1997, note i was so damn 
> scrawythat i had my wrist watch half way up my arm ;)
> Fat 24 year old me, note i'm so damn fat i look like i'm about to 
> explode!!
> But yea drink alot of water its good for you and you need to drink 
> enoughthat (Doctors words) you have piss coming out your ears. I 
> try to drink 5
> liters a day 1 bottle of 1.5L at breakfast one at lunch  and a 
> bottle and a
> half at dinner. This is also what the doctor told me, the clearer 
> your urine
> is the better your water intake. But cut out soda and all the crap 
> even diet
> COKE has wayyyyy too much sugar and calories to be good for you. 
> Once you go
> off soda for awhile you'll come back and realize that it is nice 
> as a treat
> but its so damn sweet that you can have too much of it kinda like good
> chocolate cake
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Candace Cottrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Solidarity
> I'm game! I'd like to lose a bit as well. I need to do cardio, so 
> I vow
> that once I return from West Virginia (singing in a wedding) on 
> Monday,I will get to the gym!
> Also, no more afternoon slices of cake, instead I will have Twizzlers
> or frozen yogurt. (We have a cafeteria here)
> I'd also like to increase my water intake.
> Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer
> The Children's Medical Center
> One Children's Plaza
> Dayton, OH 45404
> 937-641-4293
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/12/2003 10:10:08 AM >>>
> Given the people on this list and their loved ones affected by various
> medical issues which will require a lifestyle change, I want to show
> my
> concern for their challenges in a meaningful way.
> I assume many of the CF-Community people are like me, spending a large
> amount of time behind a computer each day, eating large portions of
> just
> about anything that passes for food each day for lunch, and utterly
> deficient when it comes to exercise.
> Given that it is the lenten season and I am supposed to be giving
> something
> up anyway, I am going to work consciously to change my habits as a
> tribute
> to those who have to change theirs. I am going to eat healthier 
> and get
> more
> exercise. Tonight when I get home I am going to lift some weights (I
> would
> do cardio but I already walk half an hour each day as it is), for
> dinner I
> am going to have a grilled chicken breast and some broccoli, and I am
> probably going to just have a salad for lunch. Tomorrow I will repeat
> this
> process, and will do so everyday until I feel I have really 
> changed my
> ways.
> And the snacks, the Famous Amos cookies my company provides developers
> for
> free and somehow make their way to my desk each afternoon, nixed.
> That's my pledge, anyways. I don't really want to think about what my
> arteries look like, or what they are going to look like in 10 years.
> With a
> little determination, I am confident I can drop about 10-20 pounds in
> the
> process.
> Anyone else up for such a challenge? I am sharing my thoughts in the
> hope
> that some other people feel strong enough to want to make a change in
> their
> lives. If that is the case, I will be willing to organize this effort
> and
> put up a community Web site where we can all track our results, post
> tips /
> links / other stuff.
> M
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