> Ahhh..now we're getting to the root of the matter.
> The root of the matter is that you don't care either way,
> whether the war was over Terrorism or not, or whether it was
> justified or not. Well all you had to do was say so.

Not at all - but nobody seemed to "care" when the US attacked
Afghanistan... But everyone is all fired-up because the US and UK
attacked Iraq

> Afghanistan was widely accepted as being the base of
> operations for Al Qaida. The ruling regime in Afghanistan
> expressed open support for the perpetrators of September 11th
> and stated quite bluntly that they would not turn Bin Laden
> over...if you were really interested in knowing the difference.

Maybe THEY didn't know where Bin Laden was - if they didn't know, then
how could they hand him over

Rather like me asking you to hand him over, and when you say you can't,
then we attack you... Isn't it?

> Uhh..the US and the UK attacking a country in defiance of the
> UN security council and even NATO could perhaps be the reason
> why. I made mention of if Russia and China had done it, what
> you thought the consequences would be. You didn't answer.

I made a related point - when Russia attacked Afghanistan, they were
part of one of the World governing bodies, but nobody jumped up and down
because of it

When China attacked other countries, nobody jumped up and down about it

BUT, because the US and UK attack Iraq, all of a sudden they are horrid
people? Gimme a break!

> If China and Russia had taken it upon themselves to Invade
> Iraq would you be so quick and ready to let this pass? You
> have not answered.

I would have wondered about it, as China and Russia don't use as much
oil as the western world, also neither is considered a very Humanitarian
country... But would I let it pass? Well, did I let it pass when Russia
attacked Afghanistan? Yes... Did I let it pass when China were having
problems with Korea? Yes...

If it doesn't effect me, I tend to ignore it - but my problem is that
everyone is jumping on the US and UK because the proof isn't there
yet... Note I used the word "yet"

As John said, even if they find WMD, people will still complain!

> If you wish to compare the UK to a communist country then be
> my guest. But if you do that, don't pretend to be a
> Democratic,'Good' society working toward world peace, who
> hold themselves to the ideals of the United Nations etc. Say
> instead that you are a Communist Dictatorship. Then we can
> all understand the UKs actions, since they would concur with
> the expected actions of such a society.

So, a Communist country is ALLOWED to attack other countries, while
we're not? Ooooh, let's change to Communism and then we can attack
anyone any time we want!!!

Oh, and we're not a "good" democracy in the UK as the government doesn't
listen to the views of the people or the other MP's - Blair took it
almost upon himself to declare war - his own ministers were resigning
because of it

Is THAT the action of a "good" democratic leader? I think not!

> One should not say one is 'concerned' about the Iraqi people.
> Since if you were 'concerned' about the Iraqi people's plight
> now, you would be concerned about whether attacking Iraq was
> justified in the first place. I.e. if Iraq were never
> attacked, the Iraqi people would not now be in the position
> they are because of the attacks.

Oh, in that case lets leave them to be killed by the regime - have you
seen the mass graves?

How about letting him get away with breaking the conditions of his
original surrender? Oh, it doesn't matter if he breaks them, does it?

Naught Saddam <slaps wrists>

> One logically follows the other.
> There would not be the second, without the first.
> Therefore our concern about the reason for the first is duly
> justified, and independent of action to address the second.

True - give it another 10 years under his control and there wouldn't be
any Iraqi people as he would have killed them all himself - that would
have solved the problem, right?

Or, he could have continued to refuse to let the weapons inspectors in,
build nuclear bombs and the drop them on the US and UK - that would
solve the problems as there wouldn't be a US or UK to start the war...

> The guilty party is always quick to say one should ignore the
> crime. And indeed if evidence was falsified then according to
> law a crime has been committed. A crime of the highest order.

Actually, I'm more concerned with helping the VICTIMs here... The people
effected by the crime!

If a rape occurred, you'd probably go a-hunting for the rapist reasons
and ignore the emotional state of the person who was raped...

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