> I will re-iterate. The US attacked Afghanistan because it was
> the base of operatiosn for Bin Laden, and the regime admitted
> to supporting Bin Laden. They also refused to co-operate in
> any way with the US forces seeking Bin Laden. Ergo, it was a
> completely different scenario and cannot be compared.

Again, if they didn't actually KNOW where Bin Laden was, how were they
meant to co-operate?

There was meant to be ties between Iraq and Bin Laden - so if we change
the war instead of being about the WMD to be about him, then it's
alright is it?

> And I pointed out that Russia and China are communist
> countries, and are not held to the same expectations by their
> public, or your own, governing their actions.

So you ACCEPT if a Communist country attacks another? It's just par for
the course is it?

Wow, that means that Russia or China could go on rampages across the
globe and you'd go "Well, they're Communist, so it's alright"

> It is very simple:
> 1) You agree that it is immaterial the reasons for the war
> against Iraq, and it is irrelevant whether or not the reasos
> for the war were fabrications and lies by Tony Blair and the
> Bush Administration.

Erm, when did I agree this? All I said was that the more important thing
was dealing with the aftermath, not pointing the finger!

> If you do not agree with 1) then I cannot understand your
> lack of comprehension at world outrage over the issue. This
> is 2003. Not the 1990s or earlier. The world has Changed.If
> you doubt this fact, check the news.There is a European
> Union. A Middle East Peace Plan. There was 9/11.
> The World Has Changed.

Wow, you mean there's a European Union? I'd never have guessed, LIVING

Oh, and look at the Middle East Peace Plan - it's like the Northern
Ireland peace plan, one group decides not to accept it and it's all a
lot of talk...

The world is continuing to change, but does that mean that we should now
jump on the US and UK for anthing that people "don't like", but other
actions are acceptable?

> How do the suffering people of Iraq affect you?
> You're contradicting yourself by expressing such depth of
> concern for their well being.

The suffering DOESN'T effect me, but I'd like the governments to stand
up and overtly help the Iraqi people - there's too much concentration on
what was or wasn't done, rather than what IS being done now to help them
- the media always concentrates on the little things that are wrong,
rather than any topic that might be in any way positive

> You answered this question yourself. Less is expected from
> them than from the United States and the UK.
> If you want Britain to be judged as a communist dictatorship
> is judged then be my guest.
> Again..you contradict yourself. Saying the above, you are
> against the public outcry against them and a call by the
> public for Justice,Accountability, and Clarity.

How am I contradicting myself? I am complaining about how Blair treats
this country as "his own to do with what he wants" which is pretty much
what a Communist situation, isn't it? So, to me I AM judging it by
communist standards...

> Is it more worthy of them to die by the actions and
> subsequent inaction of the US and the UK?

So, you think that the Iraq soldiers standing there with guns, and then
shooting them, and they die, that's inaction?

What are they MEANT to do?

Naughty Saddam <slaps wrists>

There, that's how they should have dealt with it, right?

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