This is becoming circular.

My points are:
1) The adminstrations of the US and the UK must be made to answer the
charges, that at the moment seem quite credible giving admissions by
members of the security services on both sides, that the evidence that
the war was based upon was exaggerated and in some cases false.This is
no less, and no more than what is to be expected from elected leaders.

2) The US and UK have an obligation to the Iraqi people to instill law
and order in Iraq and ensure that the basic infrastructure of Iraq is
restored. This must be done with great haste to avoid loss of civilian
life and undue suffering by the Iraqi people. 

3) Points 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive events. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

So, you think that the Iraq soldiers standing there with guns, and then
shooting them, and they die, that's inaction?

What are they MEANT to do?

Naughty Saddam <slaps wrists>

There, that's how they should have dealt with it, right?


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