At 03:06 PM 8/4/2003 -0500, CF-Community wrote:
>Subject: Hagerstown Ferret Rescue
>From: "Matthew Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 14:49:24 -0400
>Larry - could give us some insight into the proper care of ferrets, and
>their bad habits, if any?  I might be interested in adopting one of these if
>I knew what I was getting into.
>Matt Small

That's a fairly tall order. Rather than repeating what has been said time 
and time again about ferrets, how about if I point you to a couple of sites 
that can do a far better job of it than I: (a really good FAQ on ferrets)

If you're interested in ferrets, visit a nearby ferret shelter, and talk 
with the operator. They will give you a very good run down on these animals.

I recommend that if you are looking at getting one ferret, get two. This 
way they keep each other amused and occupied when you're not there or are 
doing something else. Also their playtime antics are very very funny.

As for bad habits, it really depends on the animal. We had one ferret who 
would climb up to the top of Wendy's closet and throw boxes and other stuff 
off the shelf. Another who is at best litter box challenged, but we're 
working on that one. Most ferrets are natural thieves. One of our ferrets 
has a thing for everything leather, especially wallets and similar items. 
My cell phone is a continual target, as is my wallet and my insulin pump 
when I have it in its leather carrier. There have been times when I've 
stood up and have had a ferret hanging off a pocket in my jeans, and I 
never knew she was there. She also likes to take umbrellas. Its quite funny 
watching this little (less than a pound and a half) ferret run up the 
stairs dragging an umbrella that's about 4 or five times her size.

Unfortunately you can never really predict what they are going to be 
attracted to before you get them. For instance, the ferret I mentioned who 
liked climbing, when we first brought her home, she decided that she had to 
have all the grocery bags she could steal. From then on, putting away the 
groceries was a challenge. She'd get into the bag and dump everything out 
(it was hard on the eggs for instance) and run away with the bag, which 
she'd promptly stash beneath the bed. Periodically we'd clear out her stash 
and find 10, 15 or more bags.

Another of our ferrets, Osmar, loves plastic blister packs. His stash place 
is underneath my dresser. Whenever I am having trouble opening the bottom 
drawer, I know its time to clear out his stash place.

Anyhow this is just a really short starter. Check out the links up top and 
go from there. I'll always be glad to answer any questions you may have 
about them.




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