>From the article: "The CBO's "baseline" deficit projection assumes emergency wartime 
>spending approved by Congress last year will continue indefinitely, at a cost of $818 
>billion through 2013."

Convienently left that one out didn't you Larry.  Does anyone believe that the war 
will carry on for another 10 years?  There's $818 billion right there.

And a Rep from my great state nailed it:
"Still, House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle (R-Iowa) did not try to minimize 
the government's deteriorating fiscal fortunes. He laid the blame not on tax cuts but 
on federal spending, which has surged by an average of 7.7 percent per year since 

"This is a spending-driven deficit," Nussle said. "This is not rocket science."

Of course, Larry, as a lib you can't advocate cutting spending.  Unless, of course 
it's cuts in Defense, which we all know we need right now.

>The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office blames the Bush Tax Cut and the 
>War in Iraq
>2004 Deficit to Reach $480 Billion, Report Forecasts
>By Jonathan Weisman
>Washington Post Staff Writer
>Wednesday, August 27, 2003; Page A02
>The federal government will post a record $480 billion deficit next year 
>and accumulate nearly $1.4 trillion in new debt over the coming decade 
>before climbing back into the black by 2012, the nonpartisan Congressional 
>Budget Office said yesterday.
>But if President Bush succeeds in making his tax cuts permanent, the 
>government will run substantial budget deficits as far as the eye can see, 
>the forecast made clear. Add the White House's proposed $400 billion 
>prescription drug benefit, and the deficit would total $324 billion in 2013.
>I'd really love to make a comment on this, but its so disgusting how under 
>the Shrub regime the government went from a multi-billion dollar surplus to 
>a record deficit in just two years. It seriously makes me wonder on whose 
>side Shrub is really on. Ours or those who want to destroy this nation.
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