You're right. I better get serious about this pretty quick. I'll go back to pushing my 
liberal communist agenda so you can attack me for being a 'pussy', and you can 
continue reciting passages from Ann Coulter fiction novels, and then we can go back to 
being really productive in changing eachothers minds! These people that voluntarily 
label themselves conservatives, with their open minds and their inclusive, positive 
outlook on life, will be sure to give in a little after I've gone through all the 
little details as to why pollution, killing people, and energy-wars are bad. And hey, 
I might even budge a little bit after they're finished explaining why killing people 
is sometimes necessary, why that whole environment thing isn't that important, and why 
nuclear weapons programs are key to the survival of humanity.

I'll quit my jokin around now and start skimming the politics newsgroups for juicy 
things to copy and paste. You just wait here, I'll be back with some good dirt!

>Hey Adam, I can hear Saturday Night Live calling!
>>Does this mean I won't be getting $300 next year? :(
>>I really liked that that George Bush gave everyone $300 out of his 
>>pocket last year. He probably worked hard to earn that money. I took 
>>the whole family to NASCAR - well, the family hung out in the infield 
>>because bleacher seats were $200, but I got this really great bleacher 
>>seat for myself where I had a great view of the Budweiser babes. 
>>Afterwards we had enough for ice cream at McDonalds - their ice cream 
>>is really good there and tastes homemade. I'm probably going to vote 
>>for Bush because of this - I had a good time that day and I guess the 
>>family did too. Plus he keeps us safe from all of those dirty Iraqis 
>>who wanted to paratroop down into our yards and rape our cattle. He's 
>>a good president that's for sure.
>>>The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office blames the Bush Tax Cut 
>>and the 
>>>War in Iraq
>>>2004 Deficit to Reach $480 Billion, Report Forecasts
>>>By Jonathan Weisman
>>>Washington Post Staff Writer
>>>Wednesday, August 27, 2003; Page A02
>>>The federal government will post a record $480 billion deficit next 
>>>and accumulate nearly $1.4 trillion in new debt over the coming 
>>>before climbing back into the black by 2012, the nonpartisan 
>>>Budget Office said yesterday.
>>>But if President Bush succeeds in making his tax cuts permanent, the 
>>>government will run substantial budget deficits as far as the eye can 
>>>the forecast made clear. Add the White House's proposed $400 billion 
>>>prescription drug benefit, and the deficit would total $324 billion 
>>in 2013.
>>>I'd really love to make a comment on this, but its so disgusting how 
>>>the Shrub regime the government went from a multi-billion dollar 
>>surplus to 
>>>a record deficit in just two years. It seriously makes me wonder on 
>>>side Shrub is really on. Ours or those who want to destroy this 

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