Hey Adam, I can hear Saturday Night Live calling!

>Does this mean I won't be getting $300 next year? :(
>I really liked that that George Bush gave everyone $300 out of his 
>pocket last year. He probably worked hard to earn that money. I took 
>the whole family to NASCAR - well, the family hung out in the infield 
>because bleacher seats were $200, but I got this really great bleacher 
>seat for myself where I had a great view of the Budweiser babes. 
>Afterwards we had enough for ice cream at McDonalds - their ice cream 
>is really good there and tastes homemade. I'm probably going to vote 
>for Bush because of this - I had a good time that day and I guess the 
>family did too. Plus he keeps us safe from all of those dirty Iraqis 
>who wanted to paratroop down into our yards and rape our cattle. He's 
>a good president that's for sure.
>>The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office blames the Bush Tax Cut 
>and the 
>>War in Iraq
>>2004 Deficit to Reach $480 Billion, Report Forecasts
>>By Jonathan Weisman
>>Washington Post Staff Writer
>>Wednesday, August 27, 2003; Page A02
>>The federal government will post a record $480 billion deficit next 
>>and accumulate nearly $1.4 trillion in new debt over the coming 
>>before climbing back into the black by 2012, the nonpartisan 
>>Budget Office said yesterday.
>>But if President Bush succeeds in making his tax cuts permanent, the 
>>government will run substantial budget deficits as far as the eye can 
>>the forecast made clear. Add the White House's proposed $400 billion 
>>prescription drug benefit, and the deficit would total $324 billion 
>in 2013.
>>I'd really love to make a comment on this, but its so disgusting how 
>>the Shrub regime the government went from a multi-billion dollar 
>surplus to 
>>a record deficit in just two years. It seriously makes me wonder on 
>>side Shrub is really on. Ours or those who want to destroy this 
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