At 01:05 PM 10/1/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Subject: CF Salary Range
>From: "Dana Tierney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 16:18:20 GMT
>in hiring or in getting the job done? It's two different questions.

  I was speaking in hiring.  If all else equal, the CS classes 10 years
back would give you the edge.  In getting the job done, well I did say "all
else being equal" so we can assume that the employer thinks that both
candidates can get the job done.

>Of course it is hard to imagine myself without the concept of a loop or an
>array but erm I really didn't find them that hard to learn

  Loops, variables, and conditionals are easy enough for most people.
  Code modularization techniques, database design, variable scoping, and
parameter passing are not always as obvious.

Jeffry Houser, Web Developer <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Aaron Skye, Guitarist / Songwriter <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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