>I suffered from Apnea until they removed my tonsils....spend most of my
>early twenties half asleep!

My entire twenties were spent half asleep.  I finally got the CPAP a few months before my 30th birthday, and I woke up!

Really???  Hmmm...  I have always SUGGESTED that they remove my tonsils, but the doctors always balk at it, even though they tell me they are swollen.  In addition, I have a weird "flap" on my uvula (the piece at the back of my mouth that hangs down) and I would want them to try to remove that flap and my tonsils.  I just don't get why they wouldn't?

Adam, did you see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to remove your tonsils?  I just don't get why my doctors have been so reluctant to do it...
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