> Really???  Hmmm...  I have always SUGGESTED that they remove my tonsils,
but the doctors always balk at it, even though they tell me they are
swollen.  In addition, I have a weird "flap" on my uvula (the piece at the
back of my mouth that hangs down) and I would want them to try to remove
that flap and my tonsils.  I just don't get why they wouldn't?

Do you get throat infections regularly? I think that's the main reason they
remove tonsils in adults these days. I had mine taken out when I was 20,
after 6 months of non-stop throat infections. (Take antibiotics -  get
better; end antibiotics - throat swells shut.) It turned out that I had an
abcess behind the tonsils that was threatening to permanently scar my vocal
cords. I was lucky to have them out when I did. An ENT can be your friend in
this situation.

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