Brian said:
> A CPAP Stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.  The
> idea is to pass higher pressured air through to your lungs so
> that it removes the obstruction.  It does work, but some
> people have a hard time wearing the mask, or the noise.  You
> get used to the noise after a while, and that also goes for
> others that hear it, not just me.

Is it so loud that you can't hear a clock radio set to a reasonable volume?
Is it a whish kind of noise or a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kind of noise? Does it
interfere with sleeping on your side? On your stomach? Are there wires/tubes
that get in the way that you can get yourself all tangled up in during the
night? (See's himself pulling the plug out of the wall while rolling over .
. .)

> I have worn a CPAP for 8 1/2 years, and I would never go back
> to my life without it.  I was almost like a zombie before I
> got mine.

I've been a zombie ever since I got off caffeine. I thought maybe I had
blood sugar issues but that tests out fine. Now I'm wondering if maybe I
need to look into this . . .

What is involved in finding out if one of these things will help you? Do you
go to your regular doctor? What kinds of tests do they do?

Sorry for all the questions . . .

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