I never had anyone threaten to call the cops, but I did have people tell me very strongly that this was not something that should happen in a car, a restaurant, a park etc. Apparently the kid should stay hungry until I got home.

::shrug:: I lived in a pretty rural/conservative part of MD at the time.


>Thanks. Yes, I have three kids who were all breast fed and born at home so I
>have some idea about this. Thankfully our community is pretty good and many
>places have signs up about being breast-feeding friendly. I guess part of
>the thing is that the sight of bare breasts is so uncommon. Except for men's
>breasts. The law has been changed in Ontario and more women are choosing to
>remove their shirts when they feel like it. For it to be a normal part of
>daily life is a long way off.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: dana tierney
>I'm really sorry about your mother. The schizophrenia about women's breasts
>is even worse than you suggest though, actually... Although it is apparently
>ok to have much much cleavage in advertising and television, the thing about
>source of milk is also a taboo, and breast-feeding women have been arrested
>for refusing to do so in the ladies' room (sitting on the toilet,
>presumably?) If I were a Freudian I might attribute this to early weaning...
>as it is, I see the conflicted thinking but I don't attempt to diagnose it.
>It exists in women also, so it isn't just a guy thing.
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