this is probably true. And why you try to be inconspicuous when breastfeeding. I haven't been there for a while, but - Usually there is a light blanket or something that can be used to cover up a lot. Still. If it's a hundred degrees out and I think the kid is thirsty I would not put a blanket on him just to keep people from staring. If a man turns away out of respect for my privacy then that is wonderful. If he wants to take a look, yanno, whatever... I am feeding my kid and that would take priority.


> I don't think it can be totally non-sexual to observe breast-feeding.
> The body (not just the mind) has much say on what "turns you on".
> Attraction to a provenly healthy, fertile woman is normal, I think.
> It is culture that will allow a man to turn away in respect, rather
> than in disgust, or worse, to ogle.
> Just my thoughts,
> Jerry Johnson
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/04/04 10:45AM >>>
> I think breastfeeding should be permitted anywhere it's safe.
> E.g., in a car, but not while the driver <g>.
> In a restaurant, but not if you're the waitress at the time.
> And out of courtesy to more modest people, making an attempt to be
> discreet (semi-covered) would be nice, but only until our society has
> matured enough for two things to happen:
> (1) healthy breast feeding to be the norm, not bottle feeding
> (2) people to realize it's God's design, normal, and beautiful, *not*
> "sexual", and not be uptight about it.
> Yeah, like I'm goin' to hold my breath...
> Probably all the uptightniks had mothers who looked like Dolly Parton,
> but were bottle-fed, and have never gotten over the envy...
> ;-)
> -Ben
> >From: "dana tierney"
> >> I never had anyone threaten to call the cops, but I did have people
> tell
> >me very strongly that this was not something that should happen in a
> car, a
> >restaurant, a park etc. Apparently the kid should stay hungry until I
> got
> >home.
> >
> >Interesting. I've never had anyone say anything to me. But, I think I
> live
> >in a relatively liberal town. Well, except Kevin. I think he said
> >"eeeewwwww" once. But, I just told him that if he didn't like it he
> could go
> >away. :P
> >
> >
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