>> Without average citizens having access to military grade weapons, the
>> second US civil war which will bring down the American Empire can't
>> happen.
>> I think that Americans should all have access to rocket launchers and
>> even Tomahawk missiles if they can afford them actually.
>Where is Adam Cantrell? This is the kind of thread where I miss his sarcasm.
>Maybe it's a balance thing. We lost Kevin Schmidt on the right so we had to
>lose Adam on the left. Also notice that Greg Luce showed up while Matt was
>away. Also notice how Clark Kent is never around when.....oh nevermind.

Hey Kevin, thanks for invoking me from hell :)

I've been in hawaii meeting up with old friends and family
from when I lived out there. I was mostly surfing and hanging out with my
brother. Dubya's tax cut made it all possible - I wouldn't
have been able to go without the tax cut :) That's why I'm going to vote for
him in November :)

Here's thirteen other reasons I'm going to vote for him:

Thirteen reasons to re-elect George W. Bush!

1.    President Bush has repaired the damage to the economy done during the
Clinton administration.  He has made the economy business-friendly for the first time since the early nineties.  The President has turned around the Clinton recession and the Clinton job-loss spiral.  Does anyone really think that Kerry, Edwards, Nader, et al., are better for the economy than George W. Bush???  Union agitation has been curbed thereby bringing contentment and focus to the American workforce.

2.    The President has put the terrorist networks on the run.  Who do you think
Osama bin Laden would vote for, if he had the vote, that is?  Saddam's plans to build weapons of mass destruction have been thwarted.  The Patriot Act has jailed thousands of future terrorists, both foreign and domestic.

3.    The President has facilitated worldwide free trade.  Now workers from all
countries can partake of the American Dream!  Investors and entrepreneurs can initiate free enterprise anywhere in the world.  Workers in all countries are free to obtain jobs in these fledgling enterprises.  American workers are free
to relocate overseas to participate in these offshore operations, too!   What
better cultural exchange program can there be than that?

4.    The President has facilitated greater corporate guidance over the American
nation.  Consolidation of mass media corporations has brought efficiency and unparalleled choice to the viewing, listening, and reading public.  Corporate moral guidance has cleansed the airwaves of coarse, pornographic and violent
imagery.   Greater corporate control has resulted in increased wages and greater
job security for American workers.  Corporations are now free to help out worldwide too!  Laborers internationally are enjoying higher living standards and greater human rights.  Child labor, once the scourge of the Third World, is now practically non-existent!

5.    Access to health care and inexpensive prescription drugs has skyrocketed
during the Bush Administration.  Insurance companies are now allowed to offer a wider range of fine products.  Everyone who is anyone can now obtain these policies thereby bringing what is practically universal health coverage to the nation!  The President has protected the public from the flood of low cost  (and therefore dangerous) Canadian prescription drugs.  American corporations, such as Pfizer, are funneling the bulk of their revenues into research into new drugs and into new ways to fight disease!

6.    The President has revived the US space program!  After the disastrous
legacy left by the Clinton Administration, NASA is now retooling and refocusing on efforts that will bring solid economic and scientific returns.  Helium-3 found on the Moon will solve our energy problems.  Mars will be terraformed in the next few years to provide new farm lands that, in turn, will feed the world. Useless and wasteful NASA programs, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, have been scourged!

7.    The President's environmental record is the best of any president in the
last 100 years.  New coal-fired energy plants have been made free of sulfur dioxide emissions using new technology.  Administration scientists have debunked the myths of global warming and ozone depletion.  Corporations have been freed of onerous pollution control regulations thereby enabling them to channel those monies into innovative pollution control technologies of their own.  American manufacturing plants rife with pollution have been moved overseas, thus saving the American countryside from the scourge of lead, arsenic, and mercury discharge.

8.    Women and minorities are now enjoying greater access to corporate
boardrooms under the Bush Administration than ever before.  Access to professional positions in government and in the private sector is now based on merit, rather than the particular demographic characteristics of the individual--all this thanks to new regulations and moral leadership wrought by the Republican Congress and the Bush Administration.  Glass ceilings are now a thing of the past!

9.    The Bush energy policy will free America from dependence on foreign oil!
Pollution-free coal-fired plants will relieve us of our energy addiction! Research into new energy sources is proceeding at breakneck speed.  Hydrogen has been discovered to be an energy source and not just an energy storage method by Administration scientists.  The moon will replace oil as our prime source of energy when He-3 resources are tapped and fusion is shown to actually work!

10.   The Bush Administration has accelerated the rebuilding of American
infrastructure.  Bridges, highways, libraries, mass transit, and police and fire protection are being revitalized at a breakneck pace!  Schools are being refurbished and hospitals are receiving badly needed renovations.  Throughout the land, we are seeing space-age improvements in every sector!

11.    The Bush Administration has reversed the Clinton trade deficit!
Americans are buying products made in America by Americans!  A trade surplus is just around the corner!  And, foreign countries are now reaping the benefits of quality American products and are purchasing these in record quantities!

12.    The President has brought fiscal responsibility back to our American
government!  The Clinton policies that have brought record deficit spending throughout the last few years have been reversed.  No longer will our children have to pay the costs of our fiscal excesses!  A fiscal surplus is just around the corner, too!

13.    Corruption in government is now on its way to being practically
eliminated.  The legitimization of corporate control over government functions will eliminate the need for campaign finance.  Funds not spent by corporations during elections will now be channeled back into the business; this will increase business investment and therefore increase jobs.  Corporate directors, such as those at Halliburton, will leave their lucrative corporate posts to serve America as high government officials thereby bringing practical business
experience into the public realm!   This experience will be used to channel
government contracts to the most deserving bidder.
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