The US needs to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible and stop
pussy-footing around.
The Iraqi's land is in ruins, no doubt about it. That being said, they (the
Iraqi people) can be part of the solution or a part of the problem (as we
see In the news). The US needs to take care of the "problem" and get that
country in order. The truth is that many more people will die before this
stupid war is over. We should go in there and arrest or kill anyone not
being part of the solution, enough of this civil unrest crap. If this kind
of unrest was happening in the US, it would last about 10 minutes before you
were shot and killed or arrested. Sorry for the bluntness, but I did not
agree with the war in the first place. I do support our troops and wish them
all a safe return, I am just voicing my opinion on the options we have given
what has already taken place... Sad yes, but that is reality.

> This really is tragic.  Just think about how our reaction
> would be if someone killed 40 people in a church on our soil.
>  We'd invade their country guns a'blazin' in a heartbeat.  I
> seriously don't think there is any way that invading Iraq has
> made us safer.  At least with Saddam, it was only him hating
> us.  We've got both Suni and Sharia hating us now.
> Heck, if things keep going this way, Kurds are going to be
> hating us soon.
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