Adam Haskell wrote:
> Mentoring , peer coding, JAD sessions, and to a smaller extent code reviews.
> These are a few things that even with conferencing software and screen
> sharing are not as affective remotely as they are in person.
 After searching for a local business coach (AKA Mentor) for a couple 
months, I finally hired a remote one based on the strong recommendation 
of a friend. 

 I'm pretty impressed with our ability to work / communicate remotely.  
Apparently in the business coaching industry, being remote is very 
common.  It boggles my mind, but it working pretty well for us.  We talk 
via Skype, keep records via a wiki type software, and often use 
comapping (an on-line mind map tool geared towards collaboration). 

 I'm not equating "marketing / finance / sales" to "programming" but I 
can envision the approach like this working for programmers too.

 I still think there is a huge benefit of being able to sit down 
together of course.

Jeffry Houser
Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
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