If any of you wonder why I ask so many questions its because there are only two of us here and were both fresh out of college. This is my only lifeline to other web professionals.
We are currently working on a project where we are delivering educational material over the web using a Flash front end and SQL Server back end. There are portions to the app where we are delivering streaming media and here is where we run into problems. We have been doing a lot of research over the past week but are having trouble getting straight answers. We tested some stuff last night and it looks relatively ok. Nothing special just a .wmv file on the web and a link to it.
Everything we look at says we need some sort of server for the stuff we stream but we can't find out why. I looked at flash communication server but I need to be able to justify the purchase.
Are any of you streaming video over the web, and what components are you using to do it with?

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