Hi, my name is Ethan,I've been in this email list for s while...
I just want to share my information with you guys, because I'm looking for a job right now,
I'm a graduate student in Academy of Art College San Francisco,
my major is New Media, going to graduate in May/03,
if anyone needs any help on Web or online game or any kinds of device which can apply Flash in it,
please kindly contact me, thank you very much and thank you for your time..
my Resume:

        Ethan Chiang

Address: 2736 Ulloa St. San Francisco, CA 94116   Phone: 886-1-408-480-2194

URL: http://www.ethanism.com    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Language Ability

Fluent in Mandarin, Korean, and English 


Professional Strength in Gaming Industry

              -  Flash Actionscripting skill highly honored by instructors in Academy of Art College San Francisco, CA

              -  Online Game Administrator in Euphnet.com, Sunnyvale, CA, USA.



Dec'00 - Present  Master of Fine Art

 Academy Of Art College San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

             Major : Computer Arts (New Media); GPA : 3.7

Jun'95 - Jun'99   Bachelor of Fine Art

 Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 

 Major : Communication Arts; GPA : 3.5


Work Experiences

Ocb’02-Present  Designer (Contractor), US SINA.com, San Mateo, CA, U.S.A. 

Design clients’ online and offline advertising creatives.

Design offline marketing printout for all kinds of campaigns.

Assist to implement events in the Northern California.


Aug’99-Nov’99   Account Executive, Ion Global, Taiwan,(formerly Web Connection, Taiwan)

Coordinated and executed the projects for P&G SKII, Cisco Systems, Polaroid

Helped planning the business proposals.


Nov'99-Nov' 00  Web Designer/Developer, Ion Global, Taiwan,(formerly Web Connection, Taiwan)

Designed and maintained content pages for P&G, Taiwan. Including

Maxfactor (http://www.skiimf.com.tw) and Vidal Sassoon (http://www.vs.com.tw)

   Designed the Shockwave games of promotion campaigns for B&Q Inc., Taiwan (http://www.bnq.com.tw)

Responsible for developing personalized function (MyEpson) of the official website for Epson Ltd.,

  Taiwan (http://www.myepson.com.tw)

   Maintained HTML coding for the official website of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Taiwan (http://www.sun.com.tw)

Assisted to design web pages of prom­­­­otion campaigns for Chung Hwa Telecommunication Inc. Co.


helped build up the information architecture of the official web site for Men-no Christian Hospital.  



Jun'99- Aug'99  TV Program planner/Marketing, We-Tall Production Co., Taiwan

Responsible for the scripts of the talk show, “New Stars' Family”.

In charge of editing TV programs in the post production stage.

Assisted to shoot the TV program, “Miracle of Life”.


Jul'98- Aug'98  Summer Internship, Star TV, Taiwan


Software Abilities

Operating Systems - Both Windows and Mackintosh platform.

Digital Images - Photoshop, Illustrator, Painter, Gif Animation, Image Ready.

Web - Flash Actionscript, Dreamweaver, Director, Lingo, FTP, HTML, _javascript_ ASP, PHP.

Muti-Media - Premiere, Cool Edit

3D - Swift3D, MAYA, Bryce, Poser.

Other - Microsoft office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint ).
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adaryl Wakefield
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:55 AM
Subject: [KCFusion]

If any of you wonder why I ask so many questions its because there are only two of us here and were both fresh out of college. This is my only lifeline to other web professionals.
We are currently working on a project where we are delivering educational material over the web using a Flash front end and SQL Server back end. There are portions to the app where we are delivering streaming media and here is where we run into problems. We have been doing a lot of research over the past week but are having trouble getting straight answers. We tested some stuff last night and it looks relatively ok. Nothing special just a .wmv file on the web and a link to it.
Everything we look at says we need some sort of server for the stuff we stream but we can't find out why. I looked at flash communication server but I need to be able to justify the purchase.
Are any of you streaming video over the web, and what components are you using to do it with?

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