>LSMTP handles the DNS lookups, using DNS caching.  The product is licensed
>per simultaneous threads, but we have it limited to 200. Mail messages are
>stored in RAM rather than individual files, so you lose a lot of I/O
>overhead.  It also does connection pooling, so common mail servers like AOL
>keep a constant connection while there is mail to send.  It's a very fast

of, course, but can CFMAIL deliver to an LSMTP's ip.ad.re.ss without doing 
DNS lookup?  That would be several 10's of ms to shave off CFMAIL execution.

hmm, I bet that' one expensive piece of software, LSMTP.

And I bet postfix with FreeBSD's softupdates filesystem and desintation 
sorting could come damn close to LSMTP, and do it for free, with as many 
SMTP clients as your memory could hold, and it that wasn't enough, do it 
all again on a 2nd, 3rd, etc, PC, giving you n-way MTA delivery redundancy, 
which is absolutely necessary with that many mail msgs to get out.

The email business is as fascinating as DNS workings.


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