I think (not positive on this one) that it has something to do with Access
2000, versus earlier versions. It used to be unnecessary to format a value
that came from a currency field or a number field. They were automatically
formated from within the database. But, since I've been getting Access 2000
databases (even when converted backwards) it seems it's necessary to use the
numberformat() or dollarformat() function.


Not trying to be mean or anything, but you folks need to avail yourselves of
CF Studio's excellent Help system: specifically CF TAG/FUNCTION Reference.
Folks don't mind helping, but you have to try to help yourself first--... ;)

Britta: Look into #DollarFormat(some_currency_value)#

Jay: Look into #DecimalFormat(some_number)# OR #NumberFormat(some_number)#
(with the latter you can use format masks)

Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer
UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
103 Extension Bldg
432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-7923

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