hi all,

 Is it the proper use of custom tag <cf_excel> ? i want to take the
resultset which is on the browser to excel sheet
 with the same result set appearing in the sheet. but with this tag i
managed to pass the link to webpage to
 excel sheet. but there i could able to see the same code instead of result
 in the first file i given link to xls file like this
 <a href="filename.xls">Go to Excel</a>
 in filename.xls i wrote following customtag code
<cfset a=#session.cID#> 
<cfset b=#dateformat(session.sdate,"mm/dd/yy")#>
<cfset c=#dateformat(session.edate,"mm/dd/yy")#>
Tableheadings = "Bank,Branch,Name,Account,Amount"
SQLCommand="select cc.bank,cc.name,cc.BRN,cc.ACNo,visit.visitamt  from
cc,visit where  cc.cID=#a# and visit.eom=1 and visit.cid= cc.cid and
visitdate between #b# and #c# order by cc.cID">

so, in the excel sheet i'm getting same code in cfoutput tag not the

thankx in advance
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