This works, but why not use Dave's approach and pass the query as a pointer. It will 
make more readable code.
Also, you don't need to pass the recordcount into the CT. The info is available there.

Calling the tag with this:
<cf_theS Rows="3" 

<!--- begin custom tag--->
<cfset numberOfRows = ceiling(attributes.Query.RecordCount/attributes.Rows)>
<cfset NumOfCol = attributes.Rows>
<cfset BeginRow = "1">

<table width="100" cellpadding="5">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#numberOfRows#">
         <cfoutput query="ATTRIBUTES.Query" 
StartRow="#variables.BeginRow#" Maxrows="#variables.NumOfCol#">
         <img src="../catImages/#ThumbNail#" border="0" alt="#ID#">
<cfset BeginRow = BeginRow + NumOfCol>
-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 11 april 2002 22:45
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Custom Tag Question

Ok... i did quite follow what you guys were saying, but thanks for 
trying.  I did get it to work like this.  Let me know if im an idiot and if 
this is total kludge.

I put Caller.#ATTRIBUTES.Query# into the Query="" on my CFoutput.

Calling the tag with this:
<cf_theS QueryCount=#GetProductlist.recordcount# Rows="3" 

<!--- begin custom tag--->
<cfset numberOfRows = ceiling(attributes.QueryCount/attributes.Rows)>
<cfset NumOfCol = attributes.Rows>
<cfset BeginRow = "1">

<table width="100" cellpadding="5">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#numberOfRows#">
         <cfoutput query="Caller.#ATTRIBUTES.Query#" 
StartRow="#variables.BeginRow#" Maxrows="#variables.NumOfCol#">
         <img src="../catImages/#ThumbNail#" border="0" alt="#ID#">
<cfset BeginRow = BeginRow + NumOfCol>

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