

I think that there is more than one "right way" to get your foot in the door.

You seem to be self-motivated, or you wouldn't have gotten this far.

You might consider this approach:

1) get access to a web site with CF & SQL (preferably SQL Server) and possibly
    ASP... this should cost $50/month or less

2) Your goal is to build a portfolio of real web applications to 
illustrate your

3) Pick 3 major applications you would like to implement, e.g:

     shopping cart
     community bulletin board
     personnel system
     Content Syndication

4) Now, start small, expand on the apps in the CFWACK and evolve them into
    [more] complete applications that fit the app set you want in your

    For example, you could build a personal picture album application that
    allows: upload and captioning of pictures; storing the pictures in files
    and the data in a database; retrieving and displaying these; maintaining
    the files.  The techniques you develop will apply to most of the major apps

5) Look around and see what others are doing and how they do it (good and
    bad)... this, and other HOF lists are a good source of URLS.

This process will get you started and identify what you don't know 
that you need to learn.

At some point, you'll have a little experience, some goals, some 
partial progress towards those goals, and lots of questions... lots 
of questions.

So, now, is a good time to get the most out of the formal training courses...'ll have real questions about real problems that *you* have encountered.

When you attend the class(es), you'll know exactly what you want to 
learn, and you'll make damn sure that you learn it.

You'll be amazed... almost everything in the classes will address 
*your* specific questions/problems and you can use the 
techniques/examples in *your* applications.

That's a start!


>Hi all!
>     I have read CFWACK4.0 cover to cover (along with doing all the =
>exercises) and am starting on the Advanced book.  I'm wondering if I =
>should attend the training courses by Allaire, FT to CF and Advanced CF =
>development.  I have starting writing applications on the side for =
>people, but I would like to make this my full-time career (I love this =
>stuff!).  OK CF gurus, how do I get my foot in the door for a career in =
>CF?  My background (I'll keep this short) is a BA in Biology with a =
>minor in math and some misc additional courses that mean just as little. =
>  The important stuff I've been working on though is self-study in CF, =
>SQL, Visual Basic, NetObjects Fusion and Access.   Please advise!!
>                                 Thanks,  Christine

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