This may have been asked already, but any difference in the query time on 

At 01:27 AM 7/31/02 -0400, you wrote:
>         Below are the details of the code that is running slow on CFMX.
>         Scenario (Problems seen in pages where #NO 1,3,4  exists(CPU average
>85-95% ).
>         1. Data/Content is saved in the database (SQL2k) as a WDDX
>         See wddxpacket below. Items in the packet are
>         2. There is a backend server that creates and populates the 
>         "We are NOT concerned with the backend".
>         3. Custom Tag used to get wddxPacket Data when passed the 
> ContentItemID
>         <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
>         <!--- Initialize attributes --->
>         <cfparam name="attributes.ContentItemID" default="">
>         <cfparam name="attributes.returnStruct" default="">
>         <!--- Get the content object from the database --->
>         <cfquery name="qryData" datasource="#Request.DSN#" maxrows="1">
>         SELECT WDDXPacket       FROM    ContentVersion
>         WHERE   ContentItemID = #Attributes.ContentItemID#
>         AND VersionStatusID = 'PUB'
>         </cfquery>
>         <cfif qryData.recordcount>
>         <!--- Deserialize the WDDX Packet --->
>         <cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#qryData.WDDXPacket#" 
> output="strTemp">
>         <cfscript>
>                 // Pass the structure back to the caller
>                 x = Evaluate("caller.#Attributes.ReturnStruct# = strTemp");
>                 // Pass the successful boolean return code
>                 caller.bolReturnCode = 1;
>         </cfscript>
>         <cfelse>
>         <cfset caller.bolReturnCode = 0>
>         </cfif>
>         <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No">
>         4. Custom Tag Call in the dynamic page when passed
>         -------------------------------------
>         <CF_GetContentItem
>         ContentItemID="#url.ContentItemID#"
>         ReturnStruct="strProduct">
>         -------------------------------------
>         5.Output Content
>         -------------------------------------
>         #strProduct.Title#,#strProduct.BODY# ....
>         -------------------------------------
>         6.When we ran other sections of the application WITHOUT any WDDX..
>         All of them ran ok and scaled quite well.
>         7. Load Test Results for CF5.0 and CFMX for ABOVE section of code
>         gave the below results.
>         CF5.0                   CFMX
>         Win2k                   Win2k
>         600 Mhx P3              2(Dual) 750Mhx P3 (NOTE.. Bigger box)
>         Avg 12% CPU             Avg 85%-95% CPU
>         Any ideas why we are seeing CPU usage shoot up in CFMX?
>****wddxPacket is stored in SQL2K as ntext(16) TYPE and can get upto 2-4
>pages long.****
>****WDDX in SQL2k saved in one FIELD(WDDXPacket) of the Table
><wddxPacket version='1.0'><header></header><data><struct><var
>name='ALTTAG'><string>MS Commercial</string></var><var
>name='BODY'><string>&lt;P&gt;All MS&amp;reg; models are made in the USA to
>the highest quality standards.&lt;/P&gt;<char code='0A'/>&lt;P&gt;The
>MS&amp;reg; Series grew out of our decades of experience with
>Highline&lt;SUP&gt;TM&lt;/SUP&gt;, Trimline, and units combined with the
>time-proven technologies of The Asian&amp;reg; series. All MS&amp;reg;
>models are made in the USA to the highest quality standards. &lt;/P&gt;<char
>code='0A'/>&lt;H2&gt;Key Distinguishing Feature&lt;/H2&gt;<char
>code='0A'/>&lt;P&gt;North America&lt;/P&gt;<char code='0A'/>&lt;TABLE
>cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0&gt;<char
>code='0A'/>&lt;TBODY&gt;<char code='0A'/>&lt;TR&gt;<char code='0A'/>&lt;TD
>class=headerWhite bgColor=#ff6633&gt;Related Links and
>code='0A'/>&lt;P&gt;&lt;A target=_new
>href="http://@url@/pdfs/P1903.pdf"&gt;The MS Series - Commercial
>name='DESCRIPTION'><string>MS Commercial have mechanical non-computing
>specifically designed for industrial, and fleet
>applications.</string></var><var name='ERRORS'><string></string></var><var
>name='KEYWORDS'><string>, industrial, fleet, north
>name='PUBLISHYEAR'><string>2002</string></var><var name='TITLE'><string>The
>MS Series - Commercial</string></var><var
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jesse Noller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 4:17 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: CFMX Taking all CPU Resources?
>         I'll weigh in here and try to make it simple:
>Q: What is different in WDDX?
>A: Everything. Every slice, splice and piece of code. Completely and totally
>         What is changed in the syntax? Not much.
>The question everyone wants to know is: What code are you running that you
>are saying is slower than CF5?
>Much like the current thread on the loading of the text file: What is the
>template you are running that is going slow?
>Engineering/Development here in-house cannot fix a bug we cannot define, or
>Saying "WDDX is slow" does nothing. Saying "WDDX translation given X and Y
>data is slow vs CF5" helps us more.
>This way, a bug can be entered, escalated and a patch can be generated.
>Jesse Noller
>Macromedia Server Development
>Unix/Linux "special guy"
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 4:08 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: CFMX Taking all CPU Resources?
> >
> > >
> > > OK, that sounds like good progress so maybe we'll all stop ragging on
> > you
> > > :)
> > You havent given out any peformance tests.. other than MM Perf brief
> > I am NOT guys have any performance test for the details we
> > are talking about here...What can you expect from developers..?
> >
> > > Well, it's apples and oranges... in CF5, WDDX2CFML was written in C/C++
> > > and now it's completely rewritten in Java. It's just... different code.
> > I'
> > > m not on the product team so I don't have access to the source.
> >
> > Repeated... no spec details given. This news was public.. in NEO/Beta
> > releases.
> > What would be good information is some like... (eg IIF scales differently
> > in
> > CFMX Vs CF5.0)
> >
> > SO the question is : Are there any changes/updates made to
> > CFMX Vs CF5.0 (regardless of JAVA/C++ engine.. unicode)?
> > that can possibly make it run slower (like the COM issue) yet
> > Unknown(TESTING).
> >
> > Joe
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Sean A Corfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 2:17 PM
> > Subject: Re: CFMX Taking all CPU Resources?
> >
> >
> > > On Tuesday, July 30, 2002, at 08:54 , Joe Eugene wrote:
> > > >         I havent come to a final test result.. but i think we are
> > > > narrowing
> > > > it
> > > >         down to the Complex Object(WDDX) returned from the data store
> > > >         that gets parsed out WDDX2CFML..
> > >
> > > OK, that sounds like good progress so maybe we'll all stop ragging on
> > you
> > > :)
> > >
> > > >         Custom Tags are probably running ok/fast.. probably its the
> > WDDX
> > > > CFMX that causes the CPU to run 80-90%... Atleast
> > we
> > > >         are seeing a pattern here with tests.
> > >
> > > Hmm, interesting. That should be pretty easy to performance test.
> > >
> > > >         Is it possible that you can find out..
> > > >         How the Java Implementation of WDDX2CFML has changed in CFMX?
> > >
> > > Well, it's apples and oranges... in CF5, WDDX2CFML was written in C/C++
> > > and now it's completely rewritten in Java. It's just... different code.
> > I'
> > > m not on the product team so I don't have access to the source.
> > >
> > > >         Any WDDX implementation changes(Not in docs) will be helpful.
> > >
> > > It's Unicode capable now - but that's just by virtue of it being
> > > implemented in Java. As far as I know, there were no specific behavioral
> > > changes (except what's in the release notes etc).
> > >
> > > Sean A Corfield --
> > >
> > > "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> > > -- Margaret Atwood
> > >
> > >
> >
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