> In recent posts, and other times in past posts, people have dismissed
> Apple's Xserve as not ready for prime time as far as servers go.
They seem quite good to me.

> But, I have heard that Apple boxes (pre-Xserve) have been used for
> as servers in Universities, and places like Ford, and some others
Those are bad examples of servers. Generally speaking, the Apple boxes
were only used for one of two reasons. First, the people didn't have
skills with other operating systems. Or second, the software only worked
on a Mac.

> This confuses me -- does Apple know something that others don't, or
> versa?
I think it really comes down to people's opinions on hard drives.

> One comment was that SCSI interface to hard drives  is better than ATA
> IDE interface.
That kind of blanket statement used to be true, but now it really
depends. It is possible to have a faster more robust SCSI drive than an
ATA, but the opposite is true as well. It all really depends. It should
be noted however that the SCSI specification is more strict than the ATA
specification, so generally speaking SCSI hard drives are high quality.

> Others said that they would not consider hardware for a server unless
> had RAID.
It depends on what the server is doing. Some people setup the web
servers with RAID 5, which is about the worst thing you can possibly do
performance wise with your disk subsystem for a web server.

>       Is RAID necessary for an Application Sever, like JRun?

>       Is RAID necessary for an Web application Sever, like CFMX?

>       Is RAID necessary for an Web Sever, like Apache?

>       Is RAID necessary for a Database Server, like MS-SQL?

> Do all of the above have the ability of deploying on or taking
> of a RAID?
Generally speaking, all of the above are disk subsystem agnostic.

> Do RAIDs normally go in the same box as the server(s) or they just a
> separate rack-mount component?
It depends on the size of the server and the number of disks you use.

> If separate, how do RAIDs interconnect with the other rack-mount
SCSI, Fiberchannel, or IP

> Finally, what would be the configuration of a good, reliable Web
> environment that included all the above servers and RAID, look like?
It all really depends on what you are looking for. Two cheap servers
with no redundancy built-in may be more reliable than one server with
redundancy built-in.


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