Yep,  I think its awful that a child is abducted etc...... but I really
think you will have better luck/reception on a different communty list.....

I wouldnt start throwing banter about re: callous etc.... thats not on.....
I use this list for teh CF knowledge (and some friendly evaluate abuse), but
for anything else its just noise... thats what community lists are for... 

I am gonna delete any further ones with no read.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 August 2002 17:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT but Important Amber alert missing child should I post
here ?

For heaven's sake, post it. I live in the UK, so forget arguments about
non-California residents. Not totally sure what an "Amber" alert is, but the
missing child bit I get - top news story here is two girls missing for a

Don't get me wrong, this list is great, great people, great resource. But
the lack of attention that most people here pay to taking a little time in
editing their posts - i.e. removing copies of original messages that are
wholly redundant - sometimes makes me wonder about all the cumulative wasted
bandwidth out there, let alone people without broadband, or people scanning
through massive list digests.

The first reply to this request already filled people's inboxes up with more
mails than they would have got if the original poster had not been so
considerate, and just post away. By now it's ridiculous - we're talking
about a few KB of digital data in comparison with a child's life?!

Sure, all lists need to keep on topic, and who draws the line, etc., but on
this issue - please post the alert and pity those who get shirty at "their
time being wasted" or "wasting list resources", and proceed to post with the
previous 10 posts of the thread in their body text.


- Gyrus

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