Uh, just to ... toss in a statement here.  HS+ does not come with CFMX 
Help files, you have to download that seperately.  I don't think HS+ comes 
with _all_ of the CFMX buttons either (just the basic ones), again, that 
can be downloaded seperately.



On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Vernon Viehe wrote:

> It's my understanding that HS+ isn't any different from CFStudio 5, except the 
>updated stuff for CFMX, name change, and of course the UI changes due to the Adobe 
>lawsuit. I know a lot of people relied upon those UI features to speed their work.
> That lawsuit was finally settled, but I don't know how that might impact future 
>versions of any Macromedia or Adobe products.
> -Vern
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan F. Hogan
> To: CF-Talk
> Sent: 9/6/2002 10:57 AM
> Subject: RE: Dreamweaver MX opinions (CF Studio opinions?)
> I would like them to complete Homesite+ with the options we had with
> Studio.
> Studio IMHO was/is much faster to get something done than to fiddle
> around
> with Dreamweaver. If they want to get rid of Studio let them, as long as
> they bring Homesite+ up to par as studio. If they do that they can still
> cut
> down on a product and leave us all happy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Brocx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 1:47 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: FW: Dreamweaver MX opinions (CF Studio opinions?)
> Is there any chance of brining back Studio?
> Dreamweaver is just so cumbersome and intolerably slow (on a p4 1.8) I
> tried to use it but it's just can't. A complete waste of money. I find
> it so bad that I have had to consider moving to a new markup language. A
> language loses a lot of it's functionality when there isn't a decent
> editor. Studio was nearly perfect, and seems more so after working with
> DW for a couple weeks. Are there any other editors that can take the
> place of studio 5 after it's obsolete?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 8:58 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Dreamweaver MX opinions (CF Studio opinions?)
> On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 07:12 , Tony Weeg wrote:
> > the biggest pain i thought was, that i didnt get the funtionality
> > in non-wysiwyg mode, as i really wanted.  i mean, the bitch and pain
> > of handcoding the height and width of an image tag, for every image,
> It's true that in code view it doesn't automatically add height and
> width
> tags but you could easily work in split view mode (with just a small
> design view) and use the design view pane to insert images - then it
> sets
> the height and width automatically based on the image size. You should
> submit this via the wishlist form on the web site - it sounds like a
> useful enhancement.
> > then im done and on to my passion, GOLF!!!
> Ah, golf... who once said "Golf is a good walk spoiled"?
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
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